Let me love you (Until you learn to love yourself)

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Josie's pov

I'm currently at the Old Mill because I just needed some time away from everyone and some quiet place to think about how much my life changed in the last couple of months

I mean we found about Malivore and because of him I almost lost Lizzie, Penelope and I broke up a month ago because she cheated on me and ever since I broke up with her, she doesn't leave me alone and keeps asking me to give her a second chance

But I'm not going to because our relationship wasn't going well long before she cheated on me and her cheating was the breaking point and I finally broke up with her

After we broke up, I felt free in a way because when I was with her, she wanted me to change, but if you ask her, she would say that she wanted to help me feel more confident, but she did the opposite

She made me doubt in myself because she would blame me almost every time we argued. We mostly argued about Lizzie which is stupid, but Penelope would start fighting with me because I would always defend Lizzie against her and even if we fought because of something else

Penelope would mention her and that made me realize that we didn't have any communication, but I think the biggest reason why I left her apart from her cheating on me

Is because she wanted to have sex with me a month into our relationship and when I said no, she told everyone the next day that we did it and that was the beginning of the end for us and a week after that I caught her in bed with another girl

I'm not going to lie and say that it didn't hurt because it did, but a bigger part of me is happy that we broke up because I realized that we just don't belong together, but unfortunately she doesn't

So every time she comes talk to me, we end up fighting and every time she yells at me that Lizzie is the reason why we broke up or she tells me that Lizzie doesn't love me and that she only thinks about herself

And every time I get pissed off because I know that Lizzie can be a bitch to me most of the time, but she's still my twin and I won't let anyone talk shit about her because no matter how she acts towards me

I love her and I know she loves me too, but sometimes she doesn't even realize when she's hurting me. She's not perfect, but I know that at the end of the day she would help me if I asked for her help

Lizzie wasn't a bitch to me a lot when we were younger, but ever since we stopped being friends with Hope, it's like she stopped caring who she hurts with her actions

Hope used to put her in her place every time she would take it too far, but not by being rude to her or telling me that she's a terrible sister like Penelope does every time she has a chance, but by being patient and understanding

The three of us used to be best friends, but then we found out that she lied to us about her last name and after she came back to the school, Lizzie and her started poking each other and I got stuck in the middle of it

But I also didn't wanna talk to her because I thought she was my best friend but she lied to me from the day we met. We had a moment a week ago when the whole Super squad had to do community service

But then my dad risked his life to save hers and I don't know why, but that bothered me because I didn't even know about monsters until that day but I know Hope knew

I guess I got angry because he told her, but he didn't tell his own daughters or the rest of the Super squad, I mean I know that Hope is the strongest, but Lizzie almost died because of the decision he made

Hope and I didn't talk after that day, but honestly I miss her, I miss being friends with her and after that moment in the park where we talked about our moms and everything and nothing

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