It was never too late

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Hope is 14 and Josie is 13

Hope's pov

My name is Hope Mikaelson and I go to the Salvatore school for the young and gifted. It's a special school for the supernatural beings like me. We have vampires, wolfs and witches, but I'm different because I'm all three

Everyone here knows me as Hope Marshall because it keeps me and everyone here safe from people that want me dead. I hate lieing to my friends about my real name, but I know that it's the right thing because I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to them because of me

I hope I will be able to tell them my real name one day and that they will understand why I had to lie to them. The hardest thing is lieing to Josie and Lizzie because I'm closest with them

Lizzie became like a sister to me and I have feelings for Josie, but I'm scared to tell her because what if she doesn't feel the same way towards me and that ruins our friendship

Everyone told me that she has feelings for me too, my mom and even Josie's parents, but I still don't know what to do because what if she does feel the same way and we start dating, but I still wouldn't be able to be completely honest with her and I don't wanna lie to her if we are going to be in a relationship

That's the hardest thing and when I told my mom she understood, but she still told me to tell Josie how I feel because maybe something beautiful can come out of it and when the war I'm currently in finishes

I will be able to tell everyone my real name and I hope they will understand and that they won't be angry that I lied to them

I walk into my room with a smile on my face because I decided I was going to go tell Josie how I feel about her, I walk into my bathroom and take a quick shower because I just got back from training

I walk out of the bathroom and get dressed and then I walk over to my bed and see a letter between my pillows and I take it and look at it confused

I open it and start reading

Dear Hope

I have to tell you something really important and by saying this I might lose my friendship with you, but I can't hide how I feel about you anymore. I like you Hope as more than a friend and I was scared to tell you because I know you probably don't feel the same way about me, which is completely okay. You're the first girl I like as more than a friend and that scares me because I never felt like this about anyone, but now you know the truth. I like you and I have a question for you

Will you be my girlfriend: yes or no

After I read the letter, I have the biggest smile on my face. I can't believe Josie feels the same way about me. I reread the letter and I still have the biggest smile on my face, but after a few seconds that smile drops

Oh no, Josie feels the same way about me, what am I going to do now. I don't wanna hurt her and if I tell her that nothing would make me happier than being with her, I would have to lie to her and if I just tell her no, I would lie to her and to myself

I run a hand through my hair and groan, why can't I just be someone who doesn't have thousand enemies. I look at the letter again and I have tears in my eyes

I then take my phone from my pocket and call my mom and after a few seconds she answers ''Hey baby is everything okay'' I sigh ''Mom, Josie likes me'' I can feel my mom smiling through the phone and then she says ''Hope that's great''

I shake my head and sigh again ''Yes, but I don't know what to do now mom'' then she says ''Tell her you feel the same way silly'' I chuckle a little ''I can't mom because I will never be able to be completely honest with her

Hosie - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now