I'll never leave you

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Author's note: This one shot will be set in season 1, but the events won't be in chronological order, you will see what I mean when you start reading, also I wanna clear something up. If I put a song on the top, that means that the song is the main part of the one shot and that I want to say something with it or in this case, a character wants to say something with it, but if I put a picture on the top and lyrics of a song are in the one shot, that means that I just put them in there because I think it will make it better, but anyway I hope you enjoy❤

Hope's pov

Yesterday I killed a dragon, but Dr. Saltzman got angry because I used a death spell that I wanted to use on Landon. I got pissed at him because he was the first person I opened to in some way and he immediately lied to me

He stole the dragon knife that apparently can't be destroyed, but when Dr. S and I found him and Rafael, he said that he didn't know why he stole the knife, but then he lied about having it so I don't know what to believe

After I killed the dragon, Rafael and Landon took off. Landon left me a letter where he apologized about lieing to me about the knife and he said that he hopes I will forgive him

It was kinda sweet, but this is the second guy I trusted and both of them turned out to be liars, so I don't know what to do or what to think

I don't even know where they are or if we will see each other again, but if we do. I know we will have to talk about everything, the kiss and the whole thing with the knife

I'm also the only one who knows about the dragon and even though I know that I'm the strongest and everything, I hate that because everyone else deserve to know about the monsters and the knife

Especially Josie and Lizzie because they are Alaric's daughters, I know that he wants to wait until he finds out more information, but in the time that he searches for answers

Another monster might show up and the twins and the whole Super squad deserve to know what's happening. I used to be close with the whole Super squad

But when I was 15 they found out that I'm a Mikaelson and they thought I lied to them on purpose, I mean I can't really blame them for thinking that, but I was just trying to protect all of them

I miss being friends with all of them, but especially Josie and Lizzie because I was closest with them and we used to tell each other everything, but now we can't even talk to each other normally

I apologized for lieing to them about who I am, but obviously it wasn't enough and I don't know what to do anymore, so I just stopped trying

I miss them, but I guess they don't wanna be friends with me again. It hurts especially because I never stopped caring about them and ever since all of us found out about the Merge

I never stopped looking for a solution because even though I'm not close with the twins anymore. I can't imagine my life without them because even though I lied to them about my last name

Everything else I told them was true, every little boring thing about me and I will help them beat this curse, even if they might don't want my help

Right now, I'm driving to town with the whole Super squad because Alaric signed us up for community service as our punishment, for me it's because I used the death spell and for everyone else it's because they used their powers in a football game against Mystic Falls High

I was walking behind Josie out of the bus when Lizzie says behind me ''So what did you do, my dad never gets mad at you. You're the prodigal daughter'' I roll my eyes and step out of the bus

''Sorry, no time for girl talk. Public service awaits'' Dorian then walks over to us and gives us bags for trash and gives Kaleb a stick for picking up the trash, but he walks over to Lizzie, but she says ''Uh, I don't do trash''

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