The dead know the best

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Hope's pov

I'm sitting in the common room drawing the Necromancer, today is Remembrance day. I'm no stranger to death, but that doesn't mean I wanna talk about it. I rather not talk about it at all except lately death keeps knocking on my door

Hayley walks through the door "Hope" I hear somebody call my name and I instantly turn around recognizing my mom's voice

"Mom" I run to hug her and she hugs back, but quickly pulls away "Where is Alaric" she asks and in that moment Dr. Saltzman comes with Josie and Lizzie

"Hayley, how are you here" Dr. Saltzman asks, my mom looks at him "I don't know, but I shouldn't be here, get me in the cell now, before I hurt someone" she says and me and Dr. S look at each other

I nod my head and we start walking to the cells, everyone is looking at us as we are walking, not believing that Hayley Marshall is here

We get to the cells and my mom quickly walks into one and closes the door "I don't have my powers, so that's good and I will help you find answers, but someone will have to kill me because I'm not planning for staying for long" my mom says and Dr. S, the twins and I look at her

"What do you mean you can't stay for long" Lizzie asks and my mom looks at her "Someone brought me here, I don't really know the full reason why, but I know it's not good, I feel in my head that someone is trying to control me"

"The Necromancer is doing the same thing he did with Jo" Josie suddenly says and we all look at her "He is trying to get the knife" I say and my mom looks at me, but before she says anything, I ask her "How can you feel that someone is trying to control you"

"I'm the alpha of the Crescent wolfs or I was and people tried to control me before, but I can resist it for a little while, Klaus taught me that"

I smile, but before anyone can say anything else, Landon and Rafael come into the room "Hope I heard your mom came back to life" I look at him "Yes she did" Landon comes closer to the cells and sees her

"I'm Landon, it's nice to meet you" my mom just looks at him "I'm sorry, I don't have time for pleasantries" she turns to Dr. S "I don't know how to help you, I wish I could, but I know you will figure it out"

Dr. S looks at her and smiles "I wish you could stay, but I know you can't, I now realize why you were the good and smart alpha"

My mom smiles at him "I spent my life with the original family, they are not so bad because you pick up a few things, Klaus was always the one with the plans and all of them were crazy, but smart and I learnt that from him"

I smile and Dr. S nods his head "Before you kill me, can I talk to the twins and Hope alone" the twins and me look at her and Dr. S nods his head

The guys leave the cells and the twins and me look at my mom "Hope and Josie could I talk with Lizzie first please" my mom asks and Josie and I nod our heads and leave

Lizzie's pov

Hayley just asked to talk to me alone and I'm a little scared "What did you wanna talk to me about" she looks at me "I don't know what you think of me or Klaus, but I do know you don't like my daughter, can I ask why" I look at her and sigh

"She always takes our dad's attention and last spring break, we were supposed to go on a family trip, but Hope's room caught on fire and our dad cancelled

I know it's probably not right to blame her, but our mom is already far from us and I also feel like I'm losing my dad" she smiles at me "Look, Hope lost me and her father and your dad just wants to be there for her

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