I can get through anything with you by my side

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Author's note: I'd like to dedicate this one shot to a friend of mine. It's her birthday today and she's a huge hosie fan, so happy birthday and I hope you'll like this little present (even thought it's a lame one🤪) and you know who you are❤

Hope's pov

I knew this day would come, I knew that one day everyone would find out the truth and that day is here. I passed out because of the Hollow in the cafeteria and I know I can't stop hiding my real name anymore

That's why I'm currently in Caroline's office waiting for the Super squad to show up, so I can finally tell them everything and I hope they won't hate me. I know they're going to be angry, but I hope that once I tell them everything they will understand why I lied to them

But telling the Super squad isn't the only reason why I'm here because I didn't know that my dad is Mystic Falls, but I know that it has something to do with Caroline, I have a few minutes to ask her until the Super squad comes

So I look up from my lap, but I don't stop playing with my hands. I usually start doing that when I'm nervous, but I take a deep breath and look at Caroline ''What's my dad doing in Mystic Falls'' she looks at me and shakes her head ''You're going to have to ask him''

I roll my eyes ''I would if it didn't cause the blood to start pouring from the sky or snakes to appear out of nowhere just because we're close to each other'' she rolls her eyes, but sighs ''Hope, your dad is going to find a way to beat this''

I sigh ''I know, but at what cost. I mean I already had to be away from my whole family for 7 years and my mom is dead'' she sighs and I look down at my hands ''I'm really scared Caroline, I don't see a way out of this one''

I hear her moving and then she kneels down in front of me, she takes my hand and I look at her. She squeezes it ''I know you're scared, I am too, but I know your dad has a plan'' I sigh, but nod ''Which is what exactly''

She shakes her head ''I don't know'' I sigh and then she adds ''Are you sure about this Hope'' I look up from my lap and nod ''Yes Caroline, I don't wanna hide the truth from them anymore, I mean I can't after what happened at the cafeteria

But we both knew this day was going to come and we both know I have to go back to New Orleans. It's too dangerous for me and for everyone else if I stay here

I'm so grateful for everything you did for me ever since I was little, for giving me a home for all these years and for keeping me safe and the last thing I wanna do is ruin what you're trying to accomplish here

We both know that's going to happen if I stay here'' she sighs, but smiles ''You're right, I knew this day was going to come and I'm happy you're going to tell them everything because I know how hard it was for you to lie to them

But I wish it didn't also mean you had to leave'' I nod and sigh ''I know but I have to go, I have to finish this war once and for all'' she sighs and goes to say something, but before she can the door opens and the Super squad walks in

Lizzie then says ''Mom, you wanted to se-'' she stops talking when she sees me and rolls her eyes ''I see now why you wanted to see us, but I don't want to listen to anymore lies, so I'm out of here''

She then turns around to walk away, but then Caroline says ''Lizzie hear her out'' Lizzie turns back and I shake my head ''It's fine Caroline, the reason why I asked you to call them here isn't only because of what happened at the cafeteria

You know I'm leaving and I wanted them to hear the truth from me, not from you, but she doesn't need to stay if she doesn't want to'' everyone keeps looking at me and then Lizzie rolls her eyes ''The only truth I know is that you lied to us from the day we met

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