You will never lose me

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Author's note: I got an idea for this one shot from another hosie story called 'Someone worth staying for' by LostOncer go check it out because it's amazing, but anyway enjoy

Hope's pov

I wake up in the morning and the first thing I check is my phone. I see I got a couple messages from my family, but then I see I got a message from Kaleb 5 minutes ago. I read the message and I quickly jump out of bed

I send a message to Josie

To: Jo❤

Jo, tell everyone to meet me at your dad's office, I will be there in 5 and it's urgent

I get dressed and then my phone buzzes and it's Josie

From: Jo❤

We are on our way

I smile and then I call my aunt Freya and she answers after a few seconds ''Good morning Hope, is everything okay'' my aunt asks over the phone and I sigh ''I need all of you to come now to Alaric's office"

My aunt doesn't say anything and hangs up and I start running to Alaric's office, I run into the office and everyone looks at me ''Hope what is going on'' Dr. S asks and I look at him

''I will tell you everything when everyone comes'' all of them look at me confused and then my family walks in with Caroline and Josie and Lizzie smile and run over to her and hug her

Everyone then look at me and I sigh ''Malivore is back and he has the only weapon that can kill me'' my family looks at me ''What'' all of them say and I sigh ''Look I don't know exactly how he came back, but he did and his only mission is to kill me''

''What's the only weapon that can kill you and how do you know he has it'' Lizzie asks and I look at her ''A white oak stake is the only thing that can kill me'' Caroline then says ''But your father destroyed the last one''

I sigh and look at the twins ''I know, but nature always finds a loophole and do you know that tree we build on the day that I died, well that's how he got the weapon''

''How do you know that he's back'' Lizzie asks and I look at her ''When I defeated Malivore the first time, I put a spell on Kaleb that will be able to help him sense that someone is trying to control him

And I told him that he will be able to resist it for just enough time to tell me that it's happening again and he send me a message earlier saying that it's happening and that's why he's not here

But Malivore doesn't know that I put that spell on him, but he will send a monster as a message that he's back, now you all couldn't help me defeat him the last time

So I'm going to need your help to defeat him now, I don't have a full plan yet, but I will'' everyone looks at me and nod ''We will do whatever we can to help'' Josie says and I smile at her and she smiles back

''What about bird boy'' Lizzie asks and my family laughs at the nickname ''Don't worry, I already spoke to him and I have a plan for him already'' my aunt Bex then says ''Honestly, I don't get you two as a couple''

I look at my aunt and roll my eyes ''We're not a couple anymore aunt Bex and you know that and you also know I love someone else'' I glance at Josie and then quickly look at my aunt again

My family looks at each other and smiles ''I know, but still'' I roll my eyes again and then my phone buzzes

I take it and I see that it's one of my people. I slam my fist into the table ''Fuck'' I feel my aunt Bex put a hand on my shoulder ''Hope calm down what happened''

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