True love's kiss

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Hope's pov

After my fight with Josie in the ring, MG helped me do a 'vamp dive' into Josie's head. I don't know what to expect, but here we go

I wake up in this castle and I was wearing this red coat and black gloves. I stand up and look around confused, but then I yell "Josie" no answers

I turn around and I see bread crumbs on the floor. I start following them and now I'm outside in this dark forest and I hear a noise and a moment later a literal pig is standing in front of me

Pig starts walking and I follow him "Quit following me and get out of here" Pig says and I continue walking behind him and say "Sexist talking pigs aren't really my thing and I'd love to leave, but I'm not going anywhere until I find my friend Josie"

Pig stops and turns around "What do you want with her" Pig asks and I say "I came to rescue her" Pig turns around and continues walking "Yeah well, you are too late for that" Pig says

I start panicking on the inside because I can't lose her. I have feelings for Josie and I want to tell her how I feel and I can't do that if she's stuck here

Before I went to fight Josie, I broke up with Landon because I realized that I never really loved him and that it was always Josie, so I need to find her and tell her

"What do you mean" I ask Pig while on the inside I try to calm down. He turns around and sits on the ground and I sit opposite of him

He told me a story about how Josie put herself to sleep, so that she can't use magic anymore, so that darkness can't grow. Even in her subconscious she is putting others before herself

"As much as we all miss her, this is how it has to be" Pig says and I shake my head "Maybe, but I still have to try, she would do the same for me"

I stand up and Pig looks at me "You know where she is and if you don't tell me where she went, I'm gonna start using magic" I say and he shakes his head

"The darkness will come" Pig says and I smirk "Facing darkness is kind of my thing" he keeps looking at me and says "Fine" he continues walking and I follow him

After 10 minutes, I see a table in front of me and Josie laying on it. I run to her and shake her saying "Josie, Jo please wake up" she is not responding and I try not to freak out

"You should try kissing her maybe" Pig says next to me and I freeze for a moment. Oh how I wish I could, but I know it wouldn't work because Josie doesn't have feelings for me

I shake my head "I know this is a fairytale, but non consensual kiss is never the answer" Pig then says "Well do you have a better idea" I nod my head and put my hand in the air and say "Surgere"

Nothing happens and then darkness comes because I used magic. I manage to trick him and he walks away and me and Pig come from our hiding spots

"Now he knows your magic ass is here" Pig says and I say "Well, my magic just saved our asses" I walk over to Josie again "After I pulled you to safety" Pig says and I turn around

"Stop talking down to me and be grateful that I just saved our bacon" I say and he turns away from me "Look, we both miss Josie and we can work together to wake her up"

Pig turns around "If we do that, the darkness will grow again. Princess Josie did what she did for a reason" Pig says and I sigh "She made her sacrifice because she didn't know help was coming"

Pig and I continue walking and we come into this house and a few moments later, the wolf comes in and eats the pig. I stab him in the heart with an axe and then open his stomach

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