You're the only one for me

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Hope's pov

Two weeks ago Josie and I broke up. She thinks I cheated on her with Landon because she saw Landon kiss me, but I didn't kiss him back because I only love Josie. When I tried to explain that he kissed me and I immediately pulled away, she didn't wanna listen and just said we are over

I tried to talk to her this whole week, but she just ignores me or walks away when she sees me walking towards her. I was in the cafeteria when I see Josie and Finch together talking and laughing

They were hanging out this whole week and it pisses me off, but if she's happy then I will let it go, but that doesn't mean I have to watch this. I stand up and start walking out of the cafeteria

I pass Josie and Finch and Josie sees me, but I just roll my eyes. I don't get how could she move on so fast. Didn't our relationship mean something to her, I guess not

I was out of the cafeteria when someone pulls me by the arm and pushes me against a wall, I was about to hit the person when I see that the person is Josie, so I put my hand down and look at her "What do you want"

She rolls her eyes "So now every time you see me, you are just going to roll your eyes" I scoff "What do you want from me Josette, I'm not going to watch you move on so quickly, you are acting like our relationship meant nothing to you"

She pushes me, but I don't move "It meant everything, but you are the one who cheated on me and threw our whole relationship out of the window" I start yelling "I didn't cheat on you, how many times do I have to tell you

I would never do that because I love you so much and you are the best thing that happened to me and I thought you would at least give me a chance to explain it to you, but I guess I was wrong

And what about you ha, it's only been two weeks and you already have a new girlfriend. You know what, I'm done just go be with that baby wolf and leave me alone"

She just looks at me and I can see that she's trying not to cry, but I can't do this anymore. I tried this whole week to make things right, but it's like she doesn't care about us as much as I do

She walks away and I can feel my eyes watering, so I quickly run to my room and once I'm in it, I break down crying

What both girls didn't realize is that Landon and Finch heard their conversation and they both had smirks on their faces

The next day

Josie's pov

After my talk with Hope yesterday, I ran to my room and cried for solid 30 minutes. When I saw her and Landon kiss, it was like someone took a knife and stabbed me right in the heart

I didn't wanna listen to Hope because I couldn't believe that another person cheated on me. Especially Hope who I loved with all of my heart. I gave her everything and she just threw all of that out the window

I started hanging out with Finch a week ago and I know she likes me, but I only love Hope and if we aren't together, then I will be alone. As much as I don't want that to be true, I know that I could never love another person as much as I love her

I was in the cafeteria with Lizzie eating breakfast when she asks me "Jo, why don't you give Hope a chance to explain" I stop eating and look at her "So, you are on her side" she shakes her head

"No, but I know you are both hurting and I know you don't like Finch, so why don't you try to work things out with Hope because I know she would never hurt you like that"

I sigh "Look Lizzie, you're right I'm still hurting, but I gave her everything and she just threw it away, so I don't wanna talk to her" she sighs and just continues eating her breakfast

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