You never gave up on me

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Josie's pov

I got out of the therapy box yesterday and things became so much clearer and I know what I have to do now. It's going to be hard leaving everyone, but I know I have to leave the school in order to help Hope

Finch was there when I woke up from the therapy box and when I looked at her I instantly felt terrible because I realized that I never liked her in that way and I knew I had to break up with her, it will hurt because I was sure I finally found a person for me, but I was wrong

I was in my room packing and writing a letter for my dad. He is still in the hospital, but he isn't in a coma anymore and he should come back to the school in a week, I was so happy when Lizzie told me that, but at the same time I was also sad because of what I have to do

I know he will probably be angry at me for doing this alone, but I know I have to do this and I know Lizzie and the Super squad wouldn't wanna come with me because they all think Hope can't be saved and Lizzie wants to kill her

The only way I will come back to the school is with Hope and I won't give up until I find her and convince her to turn her humanity back on, I know it won't be easy to find her or convince her, but I won't give up until I do

Because as I told her when she came to the school for the weapons, she never gave up on me and I won't give up on her. She saw there was still good in me when I was under the influence of dark magic and I know there is still good left in her

I was just done packing and writing a letter for my dad when someone knocks on the door and I ask ''Who is it'' I hear Finch say ''Hey it's me'' I sigh and quickly say ''Invisique'' then the door opens and I turn around and look at Finch

''Hey Jo what are you doing'' I sit down on my bed and sigh ''Finch I need to talk to you'' she walks closer to me and sits down next to me and takes my hand ''What is it Jo''

I continue looking at my hands and say ''I wanna break up with you, I just think this isn't working for me anymore and with everything going on with Hope and my sister it's too much. I know a way I can save Hope, but I need to do this alone''

I look at her after I say that and she looks angry and she lets go of my hand ''So you wanna break up because of Hope'' I shake my head

''She's not the only reason and the therapy box showed me a way to bring her back, but it also showed me the truth I've been hiding from myself''

She stands up and looks at me ''What truth Josie and why do you even want to bring her back, she's a monster and she put your dad in the hospital'' I get angry after she says that and I stand up and look at her

''It doesn't matter what and I knew you wouldn't understand and I killed someone the first time I was Dark Josie and she didn't see me as a monster and she was the only one who still believed there was a way to bring me back and she did

Now it's my turn to be there for her, so we are done Finch and get the hell out of my room because I don't wanna hear you talking about Hope being a monster because you don't know her'' she scoffs, but doesn't saying anything and walks out of my room

I take a deep breath to calm down, I didn't wanna yell at her like that, but I'm tired of hearing people say Hope is a monster because I know that's not true and I will prove them that there is a way to bring her back

My bus leaves in about an hour so I take my suitcase and I walk out of my room and start walking to the bus station and my first stop is New Orleans because I need to go see if Freya can help me find Hope and I don't have a plan about what I'm going to do when I find her

I just know that I have to and I guess I will say whatever is on my heart because that's how she brought me back because she believed I was stronger than the darkness and I know she is too

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