Nobody but you

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Hope's pov

It's been a few days since everyone remembered me thanks to Josie and the whole Super squad doesn't really talk to me unless they have to, well everyone except for Lizzie and I don't know what to do

Especially about Josie, but I know it certainly doesn't help that Landon came back yesterday. He's been apologizing and asking me out all day, but I've just been ignoring him and him doing that isn't exactly helping me to fix my friendship with Josie. We talked two days ago in her room after the whole Clark situation

But it's also where both of us read Landon's note and I thought we were good after that, that it brought us together, but even before Landon came back she barely talked to me and looked at me and since Landon came back

She just became more distant and I can tell it isn't just Landon coming back that's bothering her, it's something more, but I can't figure out what. It can't be that she's still angry about the whole Malivore thing

I mean both of us apologized to the other, me for lieing to her and her for acting like a bitch towards me for a week. Even though I can't really blame her for that because she didn't know who I was

But still I thought that we closed that chapter and began a new one after that conversation, but I guess there's still a few pages to write, I just can't figure out what I missed. That's why I'm currently walking without a destination in mind

Hoping it would help me figure out why Josie still seems angry at me. I keep thinking about what she told me in her room, about us making our choice and I thought we chose each other, I thought we chose our friendship

I mean I definitely choose her and I thought she knows that, she's more important to me than a stupid boy who hurt me more than anything else and I know I made the right choice, especially because Landon just left without talking to me or to her

He showed me yet again why I didn't take him back after he came back to the school. I mean I wasn't going to take him back even if he had the decency to talk to me or Josie before he left because after seeing them kissing and after knowing they did it

It made me realize why I chose to lie to them for a week, why I couldn't tell them the truth. I knew that if I did tell them who I am from the beginning and what we are to each other, I would be lieing to them and to myself

Honestly after everything that happened and since everyone still seem to be angry at me, I think it would be better if I just go back to New Orleans for a little while

I snap out of my thoughts when I realize that I'm in the park near the main square. The same park where me and Josie had that honest and open conversation about our families, crushes, just anything that came to mind

I realized that day that no matter how much time passed, I trust Josie. She makes me feel safe and we understand each other no matter if we are close or not. God even subconsciously I go to places where I have memories with her

I sigh to myself and start walking again, but then I bump into someone. I stop the person from falling by putting my hands on their waist ''I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay''

The person looks up and I'm met with those beautiful soft brown eyes ''Josie'' she looks at me confused ''Hope what are you doing here and can you let me go'' I shake my head to snap out of it and realize that I still have my hands on her waist

I move them away ''Sorry'' she just keeps looking at me and then I say ''I went on a walk to clear my head. I just started walking without a destination, I just needed to get out of the school'' she nods ''It's the same for me''

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