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Hope's pov

I'm in my room getting dressed after I had a shower. I just got back from killing a monster with the Super squad and Dr. Saltzman. I had to save Landon's ass again

I get dressed and there's a knock on the door. I open the door to find Josie and I smile "Hey love" she smiles "Hey Hopey, can I come in" I step aside and she comes into the room

"Hope I need to talk to you" I look at her worried "Sure, is everything okay?" she sits on my bed and I sit down next to her

"I just don't get why do you always have to save Landon" I frown "Jo, I don't get it, why are you angry" she looks at me "I'm angry because you will always choose him"

I shake my head "Jo, I choose you and I love you" she sighs "I love you too, but every time he's in danger you run to help him" I take her hand "I'm sorry Jo, but he means nothing to me. I love you and what I had with him it's over, it's been over for awhile now"

She stands up "Then why do you always have to rescue him" she asks angry. I stand up "Because I don't want to see him get hurt okay, he maybe my ex, but that doesn't mean that I will just let him die" I say irritated, she rolls her eyes

"That is just great, maybe then we should break up because you clearly still have feelings for him" I shake my head "I don't have feelings for him anymore, I love you" she looks down "I'm just not sure that's true because what I've seen today at the fight says differently"

I go to walk up to her, but she raises her hand and I stop "I can't do this right now Hope, it's too much. I don't know when you say that you love me, that you are telling the truth" I shake my head and I have tears in my eyes

"It's the truth Jo" she looks at me "I don't know Hope, I just need some time" she walks out of my room and I fall on the floor crying

The next day

Hope's pov

It's the morning after the whole thing with Josie and I don't even want to get out of bed, but I know that I have to. I have a quick shower and I get dressed and I get out of my room and start walking to breakfast

I get to the cafeteria and I get my food, I was about to go to the table when Landon stops me "Hey Hope" I just look at him not saying anything

After a few seconds of silence he says "Look, I just wanted to say thank you for saving me" I just nod my head "You really didn't have to" I want to laugh at that, but I just keep looking at him

"I just wanted to say thank you and to say that even after everything that happened between us, I still love you and after yesterday I know you have feelings for me" I laugh out loud after he says that

"I don't have feelings for you Landon, not anymore and after everything that happened, I'm finally happy with the person I love more than anything in this world and that person is Josie as you know"

He laughs "Then why did you risk your life to save me yesterday if you don't have feelings for me" I look at him and I put my food down on the nearby table

"I would do it for any person here, even the people I never spoke to at this school because this school is like my second family and I won't allow something to happen to anybody here and I will protect them the best I can

I couldn't protect my actual family and my parents and my uncle died. This school gave me a home and I will protect it and everybody in it with my life, so don't think I saved you because I have feelings for you because I don't and one other reason I saved you is that we need your defenseless, stupid ass to defeat Malivore"

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