The past made me realize that you are my future

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Hope's pov

I wake up in this train wagon and my head is killing me. I manage to stand up, but my vision is blurry

After 5 minutes my vision gets back to normal, but I can still barely walk. I start hitting the glass on the door and after a few hits it finally breaks and I fall out of the window

My head starts hurting again, but I push through the pain and stand up on my feet and my hand is bleeding, but I don't care because I need to find a way out of here

I start walking and I see Malivore in one of the train wagons in some trance, I try to open the door, but he locked it. I continue walking and I get outside and I hear Kaleb and Alaric talking

I knock Kaleb unconscious and Ric looks at me and he opens his mouth to say something, but before he can I fall on the ground and pass out

A minute later I smell human blood. I open my eyes and grab Alaric's hand and look at him ''Hope you're dieing, you need to feed'' I nod my head ''I know''

I sit up and look at him ''What if I can't handle what comes after'' he smiles at me ''I've never seen anything you can't handle, so I'm willing to take that risk if you are and I never wanted to come to this, I'm sorry''

I nod my head ''Guess that's why they call it fate'' I squeeze his hand and bring it to my lips ''I'll see you on the other side'' I then start drinking his blood

After I'm done, I look at him, but before he can say anything Malivore interrupts us ''Am I interrupting something, seems like a moment''

I stand up and look at him ''It's okay and no we're done here'' I then walk a little bit closer to him ''And so are you'' my eyes start glowing and dark veins appear under my eyes and my fangs appear

Josie's pov

I was doing the spell with Wade, Jed and Finch and after a few seconds, I stop doing the spell and all of us look at each other and I say ''Did it work'' Wade looks behind me and smiles ''Yeah Jo''

All of us turn around and see Landon and Cleo and I smile and we quickly stand up, but before I can say anything Landon looks at us ''Where is Hope''

I go to say something, but then my dad walks in with Kaleb and Lizzie and Landon yells ''Where is Hope'' my dad goes to say something, but then the Mikaelsons show up with my mom and Rebekah says ''Where is Hope''

My dad then says ''She is fighting against Malivore'' everyone looks him with wide eyes and I yell ''What'' he nods and I add ''Let's go, I promised her that she won't face him alone and if they already started fighting, I will be there for her after she kills him''

The Mikaelsons smile at me and my dad goes to say something, but Lizzie beats him to it ''You're right Jo, so let's go'' all of them nod and we leave

Freya teleports us there and we are invisible and we just watch Hope's fight against Malivore and I know she will kick his ass and finally kill him

Hope's pov

After Ric leaves I look at Malivore and my eyes start glowing and dark veins appear under my eyes and my fangs appear

I can see fear in Malivore's eyes when he sees I completed my transition, but then he smirks and says ''You underestimate me tribrid, I eat monsters like you'' I shake my head ''There is no monster like me''

I then say a spell ''Vitae'' Malivore goes flying through the air and I use my vamp speed and hit him right into the heart while he is still in the air

He then hits a wall and falls on the floor. He gets up after a few seconds and looks at me, I smirk and his eyes widen and he starts running away ''But you haven't even seen my wolf form yet''

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