I fight for you

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Hope's pov

I wake up and get out of bed. I take a quick shower and get dressed. I have to go to the pack meeting before I go to breakfast

I walk out of my room and start walking to the common room because we can't have a meeting in the gym because that is where we keep Malivore locked up

I heard that Finch is the new alpha and she doesn't know that I'm a wolf, so this is going to be fun. I walk into the common room "Good morning guys, sorry I'm late" I say and everybody turns around. "What are you doing here, you're not a wolf" Finch asks

I show her my wolf eyes and she seems surprised, but doesn't say anything and just continues the meeting. I don't like Finch, but I tried to be her friend because she is with Josie, but every time I try to talk to her she ignores me

I think Josie deserves better than her, but if she really likes Finch I won't say anything because Josie's happiness is most important to me

You see, I realized when Josie said that all she ever wanted for me was happiness that I like her, but I didn't do anything because she's obviously happy with Finch

The meeting finishes and we all start walking to breakfast. Once we reach cafeteria Finch, Jed and I sit with the Super squad

I sit down next to Lizzie, Jed sits next to MG and Finch obviously sits next to Josie and she kisses her cheek and Jed and I say good morning

We were eating when Caroline and Dr. S walk into the room and Josie and Lizzie immediately go hug Caroline when they see her

Caroline hugs them back and they walk over to our table "Hey Caroline, it's nice to see you again" I say and she smiles "Hey Hope, it's nice to see you too" I smile and then Lizzie says "Mom what are you doing here" she looks at Lizzie

"I heard that you captured Malivore and I'm here to help you defeat him" I look at Caroline "That's actually the reason I wanted to talk to Ric after breakfast, I think I know a way of killing him without me having to become a tribrid"

Everybody looks at me after I say that "What is it" Josie asks me and I look at her "Everyone meet me in the common room after breakfast and I will tell you" everyone nod their head and we finish eating

In the common room

Hope's pov

The Super squad together with the wolfs and Josie and Lizzie walk in the common room and a minute later Caroline and Dr. S also walk in

"Okay Hope, what is your plan" Lizzie asks "First, we need more people to fight if Malivore decides to bring some monsters back" Caroline nods her head

"That is a good idea, do you have someone in mind" Caroline asks and I nod my head "Stand back a little" everyone looks at me confused, but they stand back. I get on four legs and my eyes start to glow golden yellow and I howl

Josie's pov

Hope just howled and we stand there looking at her confused, but a few seconds later I see the whole school pack coming towards Hope and bowing down

In New Orleans

Keelin's pov

I was sitting in the living room with Freya and the rest of the Mikaelsons when I hear a howl and my eyes start glowing

Freya looks at me, but before she can say anything I say "We need to go to Mystic Falls, Hope needs our help" they all just nod and we all leave

We arrive to the school after 30 minutes and we go searching for Hope. I spot her in the common room with the others and she notices us and stops howling

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