He took the wrong person

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Hope's pov

It's a few days after we defeated Ken and Aurora's funeral. Lizzie and I are close again, just like I'm close with the whole Super squad again

I feel so happy that everyone forgave me after I hurt them like that, especially Liz and I'll try not to mess my friendship with them ever again

Ric said that he's leaving the school because he needs some time to find himself again, I wish he doesn't leave, but I understand that he needs some time away from here

Seeing him that broken reminds me how much I hurt the person that is my father figure, how much I hurt all of them. Even if they all forgave me, I don't know how to forgive myself for everything I did

I'm working on that, but I know it's going to take some time, but also knowing that all of them forgave me helps a lot because if all of my friends see me as a good person again, then I know I can see myself like that again

I don't know who is the next headmaster or headmistress, but Ric said that he will keep it in the family, so I have a pretty good guess and I hope I'm right because she can help me with my training and how to forgive myself

She's been through the same thing and I hope she will help me, it will also be good to see her because I haven't seen her ever since the day my dad died

I mean we kept in touch because of the Merge, but now when Liz is a vampire. The Merge won't be happening and that's one of the positive things if not the only positive thing that Lizzie is now a vampire

I hope that also means that Josie will come with her because I really need to talk to her and apologize for everything I did to her, I hurt her the most and I just need a chance to say sorry

I am in the common room with the Super squad and we were waiting for Alaric to show up, so that he can tell us who is the new headmaster or headmistress

I was talking to Jed about something when Finch yells ''Josie'' I immediately look at her and then follow her gaze, I see the whole Saltzman family walking over to us and I smile

But then Josie vamp speeds over to me and stands in front of me, the whole Super squad looks at her with wide eyes, but she just keeps looking at me

We just stand there looking at each other and I just wait to see what she will do, after a few seconds Finch says ''Jo'' Josie just keeps looking at me and finally after a few seconds

She hugs me tightly and I freeze and just stand there doing nothing, but then I hear her say ''I'm happy I have my Hope back'' I smile and a tear rolls down my cheek

I hug her back the same and say ''It's all thanks to you'' I feel her smile against my shoulder and we pull away after a few minutes

She smiles and I smile back ''So you're also a vampire'' she nods ''Yeah, I asked my mom to turn me after I left New Orleans and tracked her down'' I smile and nod

We keep looking at each other, but Alaric snaps us out of it by saying ''Okay, I'm going to go announce the news'' we all nod and I smile at Caroline ''It's nice to see you again'' she smiles ''It's nice to see you too'' I smile and we all sit down and then Alaric starts talking

A few hours later

Josie's pov

It's been a few hours since I came back to the school and since my dad announced that my mom will be the new headmistress. Everyone was happy that she will take over and I can't wait to spend more time with her

I mean I love my dad, but I know that some time away from the school will be good for him. I just want him to get better and he needs to do it in his own way

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