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Beacon Hills, 

I set down the last few of my boxes, clapped the imaginary dust off my hands and put them of my hips, admiring my work. I look around the apartment and nod confidently. This quaint little city will be perfect to wind down and forget about all my problems. 

I unpacked all day and finally decided to go explore the town I lived in. I went to my now organized closet and pulled out a nice outfit. Better make a good lasting impression while we're at it. I pulled up my dark jeans and wore a nice sage green silk top. People would look at me weirdly if I didn't bring a jacket so I paired it with a white one. Slipping past the mirror in my hall I scrunched my nose, admiring myself while giving my hair a good fluff to raise its volume. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. 

The air was chilly but it didn't bother me. In fact no weather had an effect on me. It could be freezing cold and I could go out in a short and a crop top, while it could be scorching hot and I could wear a thick coat. However I didn't want people to notice this particularity yet especially when fog was coming out each time someone took a breath. I took a couple of turns, looked around, taking notes about the things I saw. When finally, I spotted a well lit restaurant that seemed to be serving burgers. I opened the door and heard the doorbell chime, notifying the owners that a new client came in. 

"Hey sweetheart, why don't go and find yourself a table," the lady holding in her two hands a full plate huffed clearly overbooked, "I'll be with you in a second okay?" I nodded, not wanting to delay her further. I scanned the room and saw a small empty table by the window, near the kitchen door. As I made my way there and was going to grab the chair. A hand held mine. 

I frowned and looked up. A boy looked at me with orbs wide like he'd just seen a ghost. 

"I'm so sorry! But seems like you're alone and I'm here with my friend so it's 1 versus 2," he lets go of my hand and adds, "that means you'll have to scoot over." He then smiled, shooing me with his hand. It wasn't a mean or sarcastic smile, instead it seemed kind and joyful. 

"Stiles! She got there before us it's ok we can find another table," another boy strode towards us from behind. They weren't awful looking, in fact both of them were charming. 

"But Scott! We outnumber her! C'mon stop being such a gentleman."

He turned towards me and sighed, 

"Alright I'm sorry you can have this table, enjoy your meal!" And then bounced off. He was so energetic I felt dizzy. I sat down and exhaled. The same lady from earlier came to my table and dropped the menu. I quickly scanned it and gave her my order. 

A beef burger with a side of fries and cola. She wrote down my order and promised me I would be served in 15 minutes. I thanked her and watched her going back at the kitchen. I looked around and saw that this restaurant welcomed all kind of people:

Nurses and doctors who just finished their shifts and looked exhausted but still interacting and laughing. Families with babies who were crying and throwing tantrums. Teens like myself going on dates, holding hands from across the table. And them. The two boys I met earlier who were sitting by the bar, both having soda drinks and a side of food to ease their hunger. 

I stared at them. Yes I know it's impolite but I couldn't help feeling drawn to them. I closed my eyes and sighed. The noise around me slowly becoming mute, 

"So what did Derek tell you?"

Who's Derek? A friend of them perhaps.

"He was being very vague, like he didn't want me to know everything he knew... or he knew nothing at all."

"Scott, whatever it is that's coming next, you have to promise me to be careful, we almost died last break and I'm not going through that again, unless you want to pay for my therapy bill!" 

I snorted at that remark and suddenly everything went silent. A little too silent. 

I opened my eyes only to see in embarrassment that the two boys were looking at me, their faces mixed with surprise, confusion and fear. 

I scratched the back of my neck and pretended to look out the window, but I really was watching them in the reflection. 

"Can she... hear us?" I saw - Stiles was it? lips move in the glass. I pretended to be looking at the cars outside when really I focused on them. 

"Who even is she? I've never seen her before," said the other one lowly.

"Is she... one of you?"


"No, I would've smelled it." 

"Hey!" the Stiles on said in a ushered tone, "if you can hear us, gives us a thumbs up."

I smirked and was interrupted when the waitress slammed the meal down on my table. 

"Guess not." Scott said, almost disappointedly. 

I couldn't stay here much longer, I dug in pocket and found a fifty dollar bill. I placed it on the table and walked away. As I opened the door and disappeared, I swear I heard one say,

"Damn she even took the plate with her, such a badass."

I guess my reputation precedes me. 

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