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I morphed back into my human form and formed a ring of fire around me. 

I got onto my knees and started praying. I don't really know how I was praying to but I prayed to whoever wanted to listen. 

"Dear Spirit, please, protect me during this battle, may the odds be in my favor and may I eradicate this parasites from the world, so that it'd be a better place to live in "

And if it doesn't work. Above all else, protect my friends. Protect Stiles-"

I heard a low chuckle from behind, snapping me out of my recital,

"Praying (y/n)?" Kol's voice said, "you must know that you stand no chance against us right?"

I exhaled and sat up, dusting the dirt off my knees. 

"I prayed for you actually," I retorted, earning a death glare form Kol. 

"Let's settle this once and for all shall we?" Elijah's calm and composed voice said. They both looked aged, but not a thousand year old. They looked exactly the same. Like Esther but a little more psychotic. 

"You have to promise me something first," I said, looking at Elijah, the man who was the most diplomatic of the siblings. 

"If I-" I bit my lip, "if I die, you have to promise me that you will never harm my friends or come near Beacon Hills in all of your lives." 

They looked at each other. Rebekah groaned and Klaus pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"You have my word aunt (y/n)," Elijah promised. 

"Ugh, and stop calling me 'aunt'," I begged, looking disgusted, "if we were family, we wouldn't be here right now."

"Fine so let's get this over with then," Rebekah squealed, getting closer to the fire ring. She tried to pass her hand but it immediately burned her hand. But a little harsher than normal fire. 

"Ouch!" she cried stepping back, "you're cheating!"

"No darling, I'm a witch so I'll be using that to my advantage," I winked at her and summoned a taller barrier of hell fire. They growled at me, fangs out, inching closer to the fire. 

"You can't stay in there forever (y/n), you'll be exhausted," Klaus pointed out in a grin.

He was right. If I kept up this gigantic barrier of hellfire, I'd have no energy left to fight when it'll fall down and they'll just throw themselves at me like some kind of prey. 

I slammed the barrier down, leaving a burnt ring around.  They launched themselves at me, stakes from the white oak tree in hand. 

I dodged Elijah's attack and slammed him into Kol. Rebekah was next and I held her hand, as she tried to wriggle out of my hard grip. I used my electrical powers to fry her at the highest setting possible. 

She spasmed under me and her eyes flashed with sheer terror. But I felt being thrown ouf and saw that Kol helped her up. Her eyes changed colors, black veins forming under her eyes. Now I really pissed her off. 

My powers weren't very helpful as they were extremely agile and fast, leaving room only for hand to hand combat. Finally I locked eyes with Kol and smirked. His stake was right above my heart and if he had a little push he would kill me right there. 

I stared into his eyes, "you're going to take that stake, and you're going to plunge it into your heart." He tried to snap out of it, his eyes waving with fear as his mind took over his muscles. I watched with twisted joy as he slowly brought his stake up, trying to desperately fight it. But he couldn't. The death was quick and painless. We all watched as the stake struck him square and fair, and as he fell to the ground, disintegrating, leaving a pile of dust. 

"NO!" roared Rebekah, she still fixated on what happened. 

I picked up the stake and studied them, a big grin on my face. 

"Who's next?" 

Elijah dove in, fangs bearing. He had much more experience fighting than Kol, I'll give him that, but he wasn't a match for me. 

I tried to neutralize him, by throwing objects around me, but he dodged him with style. Alright so now it's a fight. He gained momentum and I had nowhere to turn. 

He fell right on top of me, glaring his fangs at me. I was trying to push him off, but he stayed still, and I saw him getting closer and closer, until I felt his fangs on my neck,

"NO!" I screamed, trying to shift, but it was too late. He bit into my neck, devouring the veins and the arteries, blood spurting out like a fountain. When he pulled away, his face and his mouth were stained in black blood. He panted, as if he just took the best drink of his life. 

"Black's blood is definitely something..." he smirked. I was fuming. I already felt my head starting to spin, as the blood didn't stop flowing. I grabbed his face and focused all my pain and anger onto him. 

I felt all the rage, the boiling pain from the wound, flowing to the tips of my fingers. He started to squirm under my touch but I didn't let go. My eyes flared crimson as I let go of all control. I was transmitting him every feeling or emotion of chaos and pain possible. I wanted him to die from the inside 

I wanted Elijah Mikaelson to explode under the pressure of my pain, terror and fury. 

I felt his skin crack under my grip and I gave one last push. I screamed, a wail worthy of a banshee and he cracked. His face scattering like a fragile china doll. 

I panted, pressing my hand to my neck. I could feel the blood still pouring, and my body was heating up, trying to fight something inside of me. But I had no time to think about myself. There were two left to kill. 

"Now, who will it be?" I threatened. 

Rebekah ran to me, stake at the ready. I dodged it easily, trying to use my abilities against her and blend in with the shadows to make it easier to surprise her. 

"You can't beat me," I pointed out when I finally trapped her, ready to impale her for good. 

"I know," she grinned, "but he can." 

She motioned at something behind me and I knew. I knew too late. I closed my eyes shut as I felt it penetrate my body, its power already working against me. I may not be a vampire but white oak wood could be fatal to Blacks too. 

I gasped, falling to my knees. Klaus came from behind me and lifted my chin to meet his eyes. 

"How does it feel (y/n)?" He asked, a devilish smirk on his face. 

He twisted the stake in my body, making it go deeper. I looked down and saw that it was hitting my heart. I could already feel it slow down. 

"Remember the face," he spat, "remember the face of the one who killed you." 

A roar then erupted into the woods, shaking the birds from the trees. I chuckled against all odds, and fell to the ground, still clutching the stake. I had no energy left. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Klaus help Rebekah up, eyeing me one last time as I closed my eyes to play dead. 

"(y/n)?" a familiar voice said, "(y/n) wake up!"

I opened my eyes and saw out of the blur, Stiles. 

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