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Scott and Isaac climbed off their bike, removing their helmets exchanging about how hungry they were. 

The blind alpha stood there, under the moonlight on a broken escalator. 

Then the fight broke out. Derek and his pack were outnumbered, easily taken down by the other alphas. This wasn't a fair fight and they knew it but they still decided to go to war. I rolled my eyes from the shadows. Maybe I should interrupt. But before I could make my entrance, I heard the whistle of arrows and light exploded, blinding the wolves. 

"Cover your eyes!" ordered Deucalion, still not moving from his spot. 

I looked around and there stood Allison in all her glory. I nodded with approval. This could be my chance. I stood up still blending with the shadows and focused on Deucalion. I sent him pain, anguish, anger and stress. I felt him shudder and he started to convulse uncontrollably. I watched as everyone looked around trying to look for an answer. But my friends all knew what was happening. Derek howled in annoyance. I came out of the shadows, releasing my grip on Deucalion. I then flew across the dilapidated war zone. And dove in to pluck at some of the werewolves. But then one grabbed me. Everyone's instinct drove them to come and help me. I could not die in this body so I had no choice but to change back into my human form. 

Derek finally noticed my presence. He was fighting off an alpha of his own and his eyes flashed with fear as he saw me being held, while Kali slashed her claws across my stomach. I cried in pain, black blood spurting out. 

But I saw Derek fall. He plummeted down with the alpha and all I heard was the most ferocious growl before a heavy thump. 

We all looked in disbelief at the incident that unfolded in front of us. Derek fell to his death. I felt my palms sweating and the overwhelming wave of grief that turned in an instant into pure rage. I channeled all that energy and released it. It was like an atomic bomb. Everything around me crashed. A single tear rolled down my cheek before I looked around. Everyone flew a couple of meters and were pretty knocked out I looked up and saw that Allison wasn't here anymore. Even Deucalion was stricken down. I went over to the edge and glimpsed down. There laid the dead body of Derek and the other alpha. I shifted into a raven and disappeared into the night without looking back. 

I perched myself right outside a window, and using my beak I knocked on it. The person inside was focused on something on their computer so I continued to knock again and again almost breaking the window. Suddenly the boy turned around and spotted me. He looked at me curiously and cautiously went to lift the window open. I flew in, filling the sound of the room with the flapping of feather and my occasional croaking. I went in the corner where it was dark and used that to shift back. I came back out in my human form, clutching my stomach. 

"HOLY SHIT! (y/n) what happened to you?" yelled Stiles as he grabbed me, letting me fall in his arm. He laid me on his bed, while I closed my eyes and winced in agony. I shouldn't have worn a white shirt. 

"Oh God you're bleeding!" Nice observation Sherlock. 

Stiles looked at me and back at the hem of my shirt, asking for permission. I nodded and felt him lifting it, the air of the room stinging my wound. 

"How bad is it?" I asked grimacing,

He pursed his lips and looked back at me, "it's going to leave a scar."

I dropped my head back on the bed, "I need to clean the wound (y/n) but you'll need to take your shirt off." I perked my head up and stared at him.

"I'll let you borrow one of mine," he smiled tenderly. I felt like my whole body was on fire.

"Can you stand up for me (y/n)?"

I extended a hand, he locked it with his and pulled me up. His other hand rested on my lower back making sure I didn't fall back down.

"Alright lift your arms up," I did what he asked and after what felt like forever I felt the piece of fabric come off, "good girl," Stiles praised. 

I widened my eyes at his comment, but his eyes were focused on my wound, blood still leaking out, I clenched my jaw. 

"I'm going to clean your wound as gently as I can, but my walls aren't exactly soundproof so try not to make any noise ok?" he reassured. I nodded painstakingly. 

"I'll need something to hold onto or something to bite on," I told him. He pointed at his pillow and grabbed it for me, I bit into it, nodding at him to proceed. 

He dipped a cloth in rubbing alcohol and looked at me. I closed my eyes tightly and I think I blacked out from the pain. 

"So the big mighty Black is pretty squeaky huh?" Stiles chuckled from the foot of the bed. As I regained my senses, I looked down and saw I was wearing a gray 'I support single moms' with a stripper who was pole dancing. 

"Seriously?' I rolled my eyes at him playfully, I lifted up my shirt and saw that my wound had fully heal. 

"I'm surprised you don't have a scar," pointed out Stiles. I smiled at him tiredly. 

"Thank you Stiles. Thank you for taking care of me."

He nodded and inched closer to me still sitting on the side of the bed. I shot up and sat besides him,

"Can I ask how you got that?" 

I remained silent for a moment still processing for a moment what had happened. 

"The alphas. Derek and his pack were walking into a suicide mission and I just had to stop them," I said shaking, tears forming in my eyes. 

"Did anyone get hurt?" He asked, looking at me, but I avoided his gaze.

"Derek's dead Stiles. He's dead." I met his eyes and he looked taken by surprise. 

"You're safe now (y/n)," Stiles pointed out in a gentle voice. I saw in the corner of my eye his hand awkwardly hovering above my shoulder. I leaned on him and he wrapped himself around me. 

"You're safe," he repeated as I drifted into a deep sleep. 

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