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We all have weaknesses (y/n) even the strongest one of us. 

I recognized this voice, it was my sister's Esther. Probably my least favorite sibling. 

Leave her alone Esther, she's dying and all you can tell her is that she's weak? We can't let what happened to Sabina happen again. She doesn't deserve this after what we did to her, my brother Cassius's voice whispered. 

She killed my children Cassius! She's nothing but a murderer!

Maybe you should've taken care of them instead of leaving them to her. 

Will both of you shut up? I shouted

Where am I? Am I dead?

If you were, you would've been talking to Sabina and not us. You're very lucky it didn't take out your heart. 

Ignoring my sister, I turned to my brother, 

Cassius, please, I have to go back. I can't stay here. 

I heard no answer, until another voice said, 

You can't save them (y/n) it's too late. 

Sabina? No- no no I can't be here I shouldn't be here.

It's not Sabina. I'm the Nogistune. I won't go easy on you. 

I'm a Black, you don't scare me.

Are you sure? Because Stiles hovering above your heart with a very pointy knife - 

I screamed, sobbed and wailed myself awake. My throat on fire, dry and hoarse. I felt some hands, rushing to my side and pinning me down. I heard a familiar calming voice, 

"Oh wow ok," Melissa said, unsure of what just happened, "(y/n) breathe calm down!"

"STOP HIM! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!" I cried, before sobbing, no energy left to resist. 

"Who is? There's no one here!" Cried Melissa frowning. 

"Stiles," I whimpered, "he's going to kill me."

Melissa waved around and everyone went away, leaving us alone. She waited for me to calm down, ready to answer my questions. 

"Am I okay? What happened? What about the others-"

She put her hand on my arm, "you're safe here. Derek and the others are safe. We haven't heard from Stiles but the others are safe."

I sighed in relief, closing my eyes for a moment. 

"What happened to me?"

"We just pronounced you dead actually," she whispered, unable to meet my eyes, "and right when we were about to walk out, you woke up."

I was confused. The nogistune was not hovering above me, so who had the bright idea to trick me in order to wake me up from the dead?

"Melissa I need to go home right now." 

"What? Out of the question!" she said behind me as I got up and started to change into my normal clothes, "you just came back from the dead."

"Actually no, I wasn't dead yet, but not far from it..." I trailed, putting my shoes on, "someone, gave their life up to boost me awake."

"(y/n) you can't just go we have to run some tests-" 

I snapped my head at her eyes flaming. She stepped back. 

"-or not."

"Tell the others I'm awake," I said before walking out. 

"Epsilon! Silly, come out I brought food," I cried out in the alleyway, hoping to see the cat. But as expected she did not appear. 

I went and did a thorough search of the area. That's when I smelled it. The smell of a decomposing body. Death's perfumes flowing to my nostrils.

I moved some garbage bins and discovered my cat's body. I gasped and lifted it up. The cat seemed to have died barely an hour ago, right about when I woke up... 

I had a hypothesis, and I needed to test it. I rushed back to my apartment, kicking my door down with my foot. 

I laid Silly's body on the table. I went to my cupboards, pulled out my grimoire and from my chest, fished out a vial with a white fine powder. 

I scattered it all over my cat's corpse and chanted in ancient Greek. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw that the spell worked. On my table was no longer a cat, but the corpse of a teenage girl. A little younger than me. Then the name rung in my head.


There's a reason why I thought of that name. 

In astronomy, Epsilon is the name given to the fifth brightest star. 

We were classed by our powers. I was the omega as I was cast out for being too powerful. This would be my fifth most powerful sibling? But last time I checked it was my brother Darius, and this was a fourteen year old dead girl. 

I cocked my head, while triggering my sharp nail. I ran my finger on her arm, watching the blood run down. 

Brown. Inching towards the red. 

"Her name was Layla, one of mine," a voice from the door said. 

"How many generations?" I asked, not lifting my eyes from the blood dripping down in the vial. 

"Six if I remember correctly. I only saw her once when she was born."

I turned my head to the door. I saw my brother standing there. He couldn't come in of course. 

"I'm not mad at you, if anything I should thank you for bringing her back that one time," Darius spoke, his voice flat. I closed the bottle and threw it at him. I rested my hand on Layla's head. Suddenly, her whole body caught fire and she slowly burned. 

"I'll give you the ashes if you want," I said.

"You're not going to let me in? It's been a while since we've seen other."

"Nearly a millennium," I whispered. The body had burned and I collected her ashes, giving them to Darius. 

"And no I can't let you in. But it was nice seeing you, how are the others?"

He sighed, looking down at the vials, "three of us are dead. Murdered."

"What? How is that possible?" I pressed confused. You couldn't kill a Black unless...

"It was them wasn't it?" I muttered, "Esther's demons?"

"Our nieces and nephews yes." He hesitated. "They said that they would hurt no one else, if only you faced them."

"Who did they kill?" I asked. 

"Vesper, Lucius and Dahlia," he sighed. 

Seven, Four and Six.

"What about Esther?" I breathed, biting my nail. 

"We haven't heard from Esther," he admitted, "(y/n) you can stop them, we'll be here if you need us, but even you alone could stop them."

"There are four of them! And they're vampires!"

"Maybe," he shrugged, "but they're second generation from a beta and you're an alpha."

"Omega," I hissed. 

He sighed, "we were young, power hungry and stupid (y/n), the whole coven recognizes you as the alpha and you know it."

"I haven't spoke to the coven ever since you chased and hunt me down Darius!"

"Well you're in luck because we're all here."

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