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"What do you mean a psychotic killer is running free right now?" I yelled at my friends. It wasn't their fault but it made me even more on edge. From werewolves, druids and now human gone rogue. I felt like I was going mad. 

"(y/n)," Stiles hushed while gripping my arm, "it's going to be alright the police are on their way, we'll be on the lookout-"

"What do you mean the police are on the way?" 

They all fell silent and looked down, "he's somewhere in the school."

My breathing became irregular and I rolled my fingers into a grip, my fingernails digging into the palm. Lydia came up to me and forced my hand opening revealing cresent shaped traces on my hand and black blood flowing. 

"We have each other, I'm positive we're going to find him," she wiped my hand with a handkechief, "I have been hearing buzzing all day."

"What do you mean like flies buzzing?"

Lydia looked at Scott, "exactly like flies."

Scott told us how back at the hospital in the operation room, they found flies in hhis stomach. Now he was in the school, wandering with an open stomach. And no one seemd to have caught a scent of him. It was almost like he was invisible. 

But then something struck me. What would a mass murderer do as soon as he got out? He'd want to finish what he started. Properly. And where were we standing? In a school. 

"Guys, we have to evacuate the school," I said, moving towards the fire alarm, triggering it. 

When we got out in the open field, we heard that Borrow had still not been found. However, the students were all safe and started going home. I told them that after what had happened at the school that I needed to go get a vial of potion back at my house to calm my nerves or I'd explode. Literally. 

I was walking out when someone pulled me backwards. 

"(y/n), do you need me to come with you?" Stiles soothing voice questioned. I smiled at him but shook my head. I needed to be alone right now. But at the same time I needed him. 

"They need you. You know where to find me in case anything happens." I replied.

"Don't shut me out (y/n), if anything's bothering you, you tell me about it alright?"

I nodded, rubbing my arms, mimicking warmth. I think he got the hint since he pulled me closer, our chests pressed together. I melted into the embrace. But I had to pull away. That didn't prevent him from planting a peck on my lips. 

"Text me when you get home."

hey just got home. Fed Silly on the way. 

Hahaha hope you petted her for me. I'm with Lydia trying to figure out where Borrow could be hiding. 

I reread the message a couple of times. He was with Lydia, but they were at his house. I felt green with envy. I quickly gulped down the vial I had concocted the last full moon. The potion that soothes and makes you think clearer. To make you lucid. Maybe I could make one for Stiles... one that he could handle because this one was Black customized. If ingested by a Red or a simple human, they would simply disintegrate on the spot. 

Nothing is happening, don't change into a raven (y/n)

Pff i'm not jealous Stiles. I know she's your friend. 

And Cora's not my friend?

I'm leaving you on read. Call me if you discover anything. 

Will do. And (y/n) you better drink all the potions and herbs you have because I feel like we're going need you at your full Black potential. 

That did NOT help Stiles. But he was right. The looming threat of the Mikaelsons wasn't helping either. 

I was fianlly relaxing im my bubble bath of moon water to recharge my batteries and heal any wounds, inside or out. When I heard something vibrating. I opened an eye and saw that my phone screen lit up with Stiles face on it. 

Incoming call from the most handsome and adorable boy in the universe. 

When did he change the contact name? I chuckled picking up the phone. 

"What did you find?"

"(y/n)! We need you to fly to the location I'm going to send you ASAP. Borrow is Kira, we don't know why yet but it's been his plan all along and Scott is not picking up his phone-"

I got out of the bath tub, tucking my phone in between my ear and shoulder and dried myself, "woah Stiles hold on- is Lydia with you?"

"Yes! We're fine don't worry but we need you there in case Scott's hurt or-"

"I'm on my way," I said before hanging up the phone. 

I flew over to the electrical substation that Stiles sent me and saw that Scott's motorcycle and Stile's jeep were just pulling over. I croaked at them, making my presence known. I changed back midflight and went over to Scott who had dried blood on the side of his face.

"Are you alright Scott?" I questioned, wiping it away with my thumb. Stiles pulled me away, his jaw clenched and told me we had to go,

I raised my eyebrows at him.


"Scott can heal by himself-"

I laughed, "Stiles are you jealous?"

He rolled his eyes and swung his bat at me, which I dodged, surprised. 

"What was that for?" 

"For stating the obvious, now c'mon we have to be there for Scott or he'll get himself killed."

"I think he can handle himself pretty well," I observed. 

"He always needs backup."

I jogged over to Lydia and assured that we would be out soon. I gave her a talisman that I had made earlier. It was a special one. A very ancient and powerful one. 

"What does it do?" she asked, putting it around her neck, holding the pendant in her hand.

"It gives you an extra life."

Inside the electrical substation, I followed Scott, on my guards trying to make as little sound as possible. Electricity was not my forte but I could work with it, being struck by lightning once, coming out without a scratch and hair laying flat on my head. 

I heard crackling and whimpers. Then Scott lunged at something but he was too late to see the thick wire of crackling hot sparks flying out hitting him square in the stomach.

"SCOTT! Look out!" Too late. Scott was thrown on the side, groaning loudly. My turn. I cracked my neck by moving it side to side. I held up my hand to the hand, as the man approached slowly towards Kira, threatening to fry her. 

And the power goes out, I muttered. 

It did. I breathed in relief, but sucked the air back in as I was thrown back hitting the metallic barrier. I pulled myself to see that Kira was standing up, the electrical sparks flowed right into her hands, slowly dissipating away. I stared at her, mouth agape. 

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