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I was now sitting in Sheriff Stilinski's office being interrogated by Scott's dad. But I wasn't listening to anything that he said. All I had in my thoughts right now is this girl who managed to absorb the power of a whole substation. How in the world did she do that without dying? Was she a Black? 

No I would have sensed it. But anything was possible these days. 

I flickered my index and my nail sharpened itself into the shape of a knife. Similar to werewolves claws but this looked more appealing. I ran threw her arm and watched her wince. She looked at me with a blank look. I cleared my throat, shrugging. 

Her blood was red. I smelled the blood, and in fact... she wasn't magical at all. 

I got a call at the end of the day from Stiles asking if I wanted to tag along for a little escapade. Who could refuse? He came and picked me up, I reached over for his hand,

"Soooo," I trailed off, "where are you taking me?"

He smirked, "it's a secret."

I punched him on the side playfully, "c'mon don't keep secrets from me."

He took a couple of turns before stopping the car at the back of the... police station?

"Stiles what are we doing here?"

He shut down the engine, pulling out the key, rolling down the window. Suddenly Scott and Kira pulled up in the motorcycle. They came over to us, waving at me. Stiles gave them passes that would grant them access to the Sheriff's office to go delete incriminating pictures. 

After they disappeared Stiles turned over at me, "tell me my prithee what say you of this romantic location?"

I shrugged.

"Oh c'mon, it's not like anyone can bother us here..." he trailed smirking. 

He leaned in and kissed me. I deepened it, pressing our faces closer together. Our hearts were beating fast and the air was getting thicker. Occasionally Stiles pulled away to breathe, but I only gave him two seconds before pulling back in. He then trailed down to my neck, kissing, nibbling, biting.

"That'll bruise," I pointed out. 

"Yeah, that's the point," he said in between breaths. 

In a swift motion I pushed him against the window and held his face up, giving me the best view of his pale neck. 

"Don't look at me like that," he whispered.

"Like what?"

"Like you're going to-"

I saw Stiles snapping his head. I followed his gaze and spotted Agent Mccall getting out of his car. Scott and Kira were still inside. This could go wrong. I looked back at Stiles and he had this mischievous and apologetic look. 

"Ugh seriously?" I groaned, letting go of him. He kissed me before getting out of the car. 

"I swear it won't happen again!" was all he said before clumsily going in. 

Minutes later Stiles came back and before he even properly got in, I yanked him forward attacking his neck, leaving trails of bruises.

"Woah, someone's eager," he pointed out, shivering under me.

"Can't we just ditch Scott and Kira? I'm sure they can figure the rest out alone."

"Oh God you know what maybe you're right, I'll start the car-" Stiles searched for the keys but when he held one, he looked like he'd seen a ghost. 

"What what's wrong?" 

"I have no idea what this key opens," Stiles muttered. 

"Hey guys! We did it, thanks for stalling my dad Stiles-" Scott's voice spoke before he stopped. 

I turned and eyed him. He chuckled and smirked at me pointing to my neck and Stile's.

"I guess you've kept yourselves busy."

I smiled at him ironically before sinking back into the seat. Stiles shoved the keys back in his pant's pocket. 

"Do you guys want to go to a party?" Scott said biting his lip, looking at us. 

Ethan and Aidan turned Derek's loft into a dance floor. The black light theme was a night touch, showing people with fluorescent paint all of their bodies. The music wasn't all too bad either. My body started moving to the rhythm and soon enough Stiles dragged me to the center of the dancefloor. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer by the waist. 

"So where were we?" he asked lowly in my ear, knowing that despite the loud music I'd be able to hear it. 

"Hmm," I hummed, dragging him to the table where paint was laid out. I took my top off, revealing my red bra. I saw his adam's apple throb and he began stuttering. I handed him a paint brush and added, "do you like to draw Stiles?"

After we had our faces and bodies painted by each other we went back to the dance floor, jumping up and down to the music like there was no tomorrow. Suddenly the music changed. 

I feel so close to you right now, it's a force field
I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal

"I love this song Stiles!" I grabbed him by the back of the neck and his hands were on my hips, pushing my side to side. 

And there's no stopping us right now, I feel so close to you right now

As the beat dropped, we stared into each other's eyes. His under the black lights were changing colors every two seconds. But I know that mine from the happiness and the adrenaline were glowing yellow. 

It felt amazing. The world around us disappeared. It was just Stiles. I only had eyes for him in that moment. I looked at him tenderly. I made an oath to never put someone's life over my own. But seeing him like that. Seeing him dancing to the beat, seeing him touching my body feverishly, yearning for more, while being a little tipsy. It made me question it all. 

I had to step away. 

"I'm going to get us drinks. You stay here alright?"

He nodded and I disappeared. I grabbed two beers and headed back to where I last seen Stiles, but he wasn't there anymore. I went to Derek's staircase and saw him sitting there, keys twirling in between his fingers. 

I pushed through the crowd, but stopped short. A girl grabbed his face and kissed him. And I just stared, my heart breaking a little. The worst being that he didn't push away. He pulled away to catch his breath and I saw the girl's fluorescent lipstick on Stiles's lips. He turned his head and spotted me. I'll never forget how his face dropped. 

The beers broke and I exited the building, making myself invisible. I needed to get out of here. I felt the world caving in. My head was about to explode and he alcohol I drank didn't help. I heard my name being called several times but I didn't look back. 

I staggered as I charged head first into somebody's chest. 

I looked up, my eyes widening.


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