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I have been watching in horror a fanatic with his two acolytes trying to convince Derek to join their alpha pack. My voice caught in my throat as I stared at Derek coughing out blood. A pool of crimson liquid was now forming at his feet. 

"You'll kill him!" yelled desperately Cora, wishing to go to her brother's aid but stopped short when she remembered the big man standing next to her. 

"Don't worry, Kali will be very gentle with him, as I need him,"

"I'm not joining your cult," spat out Derek a string of blood flowing down his chin. Unable to be at ease. I energetically joined forces with him and sent him healing energy, his raspy breaths turned into calm and collected breaths. His heartbeat also steadied. 

The man went on and on, kneeling down grabbing Derek's face, feeling his features,

"You're right Kali, he's just like his mother," He got up and then walked towards the windows, right next to the stairs where I was hiding. I stepped back, but couldn't go further as the wall stopped me. I turned y head, hoping that if I didn't see him he wouldn't see me. I saw that Derek's head lifted and his eyes met mine. He didn't know where I was but we locked eyes and I felt relieved. 

The man set down the cane down on the wooden table and gave a speech about how he was the alpha of the alphas the apex of the apex. I rolled my eyes as thunder stuck behind him, with dramatic effect. 

"I hate when that happens," he said with a sly smile. 

He then walked back to Derek and Kali took out the pipe, throwing it down on the floor with a clank. Cora rushed by her brother's side as we watched them disappear not before the blind man turned around and sniffed the air,

"By the way, this place reeks of magic..." he seemed like he was going to add something but left.

After I made sure they were gone, I came out of the shadows, running towards Derek and Cora. I knelt down besides them and immediately, Cora placed her brother's head on my laps,

Derek coughed up the last bit of blood and looked at me with a soft look, "you're gonna heal me again?"

I smirked at him, while I asked Cora to go grab a him a new shirt, "do you want me to?"

"If we keep ending up in situations like this, I'll start to believe that you're my savior," I leaned my head back at his words. A bel ringing in my head. I've heard these words before. 

"I'm no one's savior, I'm just trying to..." I paused realizing what he was going to make me say, and swatted his arm playfully, 

"Yeah you're just trying to help," he grinned and closed his eyes. Cora reappeared with a clean shirt and something to clean the blood with. 

"So are you going to heal him?" she asked me while cleaning the blood, dumping the wet towels in a bucket. I looked back at Derek, and focused my energy on him, stitching him new in a matter of a few minutes. 

"There all nice and new," I smiled, while helping him up. He stretched and made his way to the wooden table. 

"Thank god he didn't see the homework you left on your table," he laughed picking up a paper with math equations scribbled on it. 

"But he did smell me, kind of," I pointed out, packing my bag, shoving my homework back in. 

"You'll have to be careful then, they have no idea who and what you are so let's keep it that way."

Derek then turned around and took off his shirt. My eyes widened and I turned around looking out the window. I felt the blood rushing up to my cheeks and bit my lips hoping that pain would slow my heartbeat,

"Are you alright (y/n)?" asked Cora with a sly grin, she then changed expression and came towards me, "by the way thank you for the boost back there, I appreciate it." She smiled and disappeared, leaving me alone with Derek. 

"Is there-"


"Sorry hold that thought," I pulled out my phone that was buzzing in my bag, I unlocked it and see that Stiles was calling me,

"Hey Stiles what's up did you find anything?" I asked him. At the mention of the name, Derek's head perked and I knew he was using his wolf abilities to pry on our phone call,

"Oh shit ok I'll be there right away," I hung up on snapped my head back at Derek that turned around like a child being caught looking at something he shouldn't see. 

"I have to go, think you'll manage without me?" I teased, making my way towards the door,

"I'm an alpha (y/n)," he said cockily,

"And look at how that turned out," I shot back.

"Do you recognize this?" asked Stiles all agitated, I listened to the recording again, hearing chanting sounds. It sounded familiar but nothing that struck me in particular. 

"It sounds like every other chant, but yes it does sound familiar in a way," I said, handing him back the phone. Lydia was staring at a fixed point, 

"Everything alright Lydia?" I asked snapping her out of her trance, she nodded hurriedly and began searching the classroom for clues. 

I looked at them and watched as they began turning every shelf and every drawer. There was a pattern. Three virgins, one...

"Soldier," I breathed, "whoever this is, is targeting soldiers now."

At that moment, Stiles pulled out a picture of a man, the music teacher, in a formal soldier's attire for his wedding snapshot. 

They all looked at me, especially Dr.  Deaton. 

"How did you know?" questioned Lydia,

I shrugged, "intuition."

Dr. Deaton nodded and made his way toward me,

"(y/n) right?" I nodded and he extended his hand, expecting me to shake it, I looked at it and adverted my gaze back at his eyes,


He dropped his hand back at his side and nodded slowly. Suddenly I felt Stiles hands wrapped around my waist and dragging me back from the vet, 

"Alrightttyyy, we're going to avoid any magical duel and just go find the next victim," I looked at his hands and he did too. Seeing them, he let go and scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. 

"Who could be next?" I asked Stiles. He ran his hands through his hair and looked nervous, "I need to call Boyle,"

"I was thinking of someone else," chimed in Lydia,

We looked at her and she mentioned the chemistry teacher, Mr. Harris.

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