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"You're a WHAT?" yelled Stiles, mouth hanging low in disbelief.

"A witch," I replied sarcastically, "you have werewolves in your entourage and you've dealt with a reptilian but you have a hard time believing that witches exist?" 

"She has a point," said Allison, nudging Stiles in the side, chuckling.

"And- and what can you do, are you like Harry Potter?" he asked like a kid, fascinated,

I laughed, "actually Harry Potter wished, think of it like I'm the first line of witches. The Original."

He nodded slowly trying to grasp the idea of it,

"Is your period blood-"

"STILES!" intercepted Scott, shaking his head, looking at me in apology. I couldn't help myself but laugh at his curiosity. Stiles held up his hands in retreat and changed the subject, but while we were talking about the series of murder that were happening that didn't have the signature of werewolves, I couldn't help but felt a pair of eyes burning on me. I looked around and caught... Stiles's eyes. 

When realized I stared back at him and smiled, he blushed and staggered to rejoin the conversation. 

Allison then excused herself and told us how she needed to go away since she had to run an errand with her dad. That left at the library table, Scott, Stiles and I. 

Looking around frantically, making sure no one heard him. He motioned us to lean in,

"So (y/n) we wanted to ask you if you knew anything about human sacrifices?"

"Stiles! We aren't even sure that they're human sacrifices."

Stiles ignored Scott and looked back at me, "A lot of people have been dying the same way, all with a blow to the head and being strangled and tied up to a tree and see the thing is was that-"

"They were all virgins," I nodded absently, recognizing the pattern. Stiles looked at Scott, giving him that told-you look. 

"So you agree?"

I looked back at the boys, biting my lip,

"Yes and they are much more symbolic than an animal sacrifice,"

Scott glanced around, "what does it mean then?"

"It's to appease an authority figure, before it would be for the gods but now I'm not so sure." I confessed.

Stiles looked uneasy and I grabbed his hand. I felt the stress and the nerve wracking shuddering of his body. As soon as we touched he stopped and I felt his heartbeat slow down, Scott looked at us, eyebrow raised. After a while I let go of his hand and told Scott, 

"Energy transfer, they help appease people,"

"Thank you," Stiles said looking at me. I nodded. Getting up, I grabbed my belongings and told them I had something to take care of, and that if they found anything, to call me right away.

"Scott, try to make some kind of animal sound so I can get there faster ok? Be careful out there," I warned them. As I turned and walked passed them, I stopped by where Stiles was sitting and crouched to his ears, 

"My period blood is black as well," I whispered, the image of his mouth hanging low in surprise flashing in my mind.

I knocked on the steel door of Derek's hideout. After a while, he doors slid open to reveal a woman, her tied in a ponytail in a black sports attire. She was sweating and motioned with her head for me to come in. 

"(y/n) right?" she asked and I nodded putting my things on the couch nearby, "thank you for that, healing has never felt more peaceful. My brother says you're here to help?"

I followed her towards the sole table in the middle of the room and I sat down looking out at the bright day,

"I wouldn't say I'm here to help, I'm here to stop you from getting yourselves killed," I smirked,

"That's literally the definition of help (y/n)," a voice coming from behind spoke, I turned around and saw Derek coming down the stairs. He was dressed in a green blue cotton shirt and his usual grey jeans.

"I shouldn't have healed you that night," I said with false regret earning a chuckle from the siblings.

I watched them as they trained, while I 'focused' on my homework when really I was just tuning in to hear any anomaly. I heard them going on about how they were both weak, barking at each other about thinking they had died.

Footsteps. Not just one person. 

Then they began to fight. But the steps inched closer and closer until they stopped,

"Someone's  coming," I said bluntly, snapping the Hale sibling out of their quarrel. They looked at me and right after, a red alarm started blaring. I was right. 

"(y/n) go hide!" yelled Derek, waving his arms around like a maniac,

"Where the fuck am I supposed to go?"

"You're a Black ! Figure it out! NOW GO!" He roared at me and I stepped back, a little frightened. 

I glanced around and saw the spot behind the stairs, I went around and made myself one with the shadows, blending right in. I watched as Derek turned, worry in his eyes, but when he saw I was gone, his face softened and turn his attention back at the door. The door forcefully slid opened and a tall man with red glowing eyes and prominent fangs roared at them. 

I kept an eye on Cora and muttered something under my breath as she ran at the Alpha in front of her. The werewolf extended his arm and grabbed Cora by her neck but she didn't budge instead she used her feet and pushed him back making his stagger a little. With a newfound confidence that she didn't knew where it came from, she lunged at the bigger and more dangerous wolf in front of her. She did not miss a beat and managed to put down the alpha. 

But behind her, a woman came out and she didn't seem nice. Before anyone of us had time to react, she pushed Cora down into the ground, definitely leaving a mark behind, making her groan in pain. The female alpha looked around and pulled the pipe that Cora had used earlier to do pullups. 

I tried my best to keep up and anticipate the woman's next moves but she was fast, very fast. Before I could throw another protection spell at  Derek and hope he could fend for himself, the enraged woman stabbed Derek with the pipe and made sure to stir it around. He cried -which came out like a roar- in agony. I held my hand to my mouth making sure no to make a sound, as it would attract them. 

A man with sunglasses and a stick came and spoke,

"Well Derek, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," he went down the little steps on his own and knelt down to where Derek was twisting in pain, "I've heard a lot about you."

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