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I heard my phone buzzing in my jacket's pocket. Who in the world could be texting me? I opened the device, but saw the whole classroom imitating me. Everyone received the same text at the same time. I tapped on the message from an unknown number and read it,

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flower sombre under an overcast sky – seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness," a voice completed as I finished reading it. 

I heard heels clicking and a young teacher stood in front of the class,

"That is the last line of the book we'll be reading," she said with a smile. She then instructed us to put away our phones. I reluctantly turned it off and shoved it back into my back pocket and listened to her go on about a book I already read. I yawned, watching the window outside. 

"Your dog bit you?"

"No my handbag," Lydia's voice mocked. 

"Have you noticed how all animals have been acting weird lately? First that deer now your dog-" 

Suddenly a crow flew right into the glass window leaving a round crack. They both jumped back in their seat. But then another crow flew into the window, and another one. This havoc drew Mrs. Blake's attention and she made her way toward the window. I leaned forward and noticed how a huge wave of crows were headed towards the glass plane, diving right at us. 

A lot of them were stopped short but as they grew in numbers, they managed to get past the barrier and attacked the whole classroom injuring us with their sharp beaks. 

"EVERYONE GET DOWN," yelled frantically Mrs. Blake as she held a student, trying to protect him. 

Stiles met my eyes and he noticed how no crows were attacking me. Even if I was crouched down. I closed my eyes and whimpered. I took a deep breath in and opened my eyes. 

"oportet te mori!" Then as if by magic, the room fell silent. No more frantic croaking and wings flapping. I looked around and saw that every single crow dropped dead. I grabbed one of them and a tear rolled down my cheek, 

"I'm so sorry, you're in peace now," I looked at the scattered corpses of crows around me, "all of you." I sniffed and turned around. 

Stiles was looking at me, eyes wide, a few slashes across his face, blood dripping down as he helped Lydia up. 

"How-how did you-"

I snapped my head back and ran out from the crime scene. 

I was walking around, as I decided to skip class from the events that happened this morning. I was still pretty shook by what happened. I stop in my tracks as I hear something whimper by my side. I turn around and see a dark alley. Unsure, I decide against my intuition to venture down and see what laid there. 

A cat. A wounded one. It looks like it was clawed by a feline, something definitely bigger and stronger than a simple street cat, something life a mountain lion or a- 

It wasn't possible in California right? 

Could it have been a wolf? 

I picked up the cat's dying body and began looking for a vet. Luckily it was right down the street. I looked at the door with big "CLOSED" sign in front of it. I groaned. The smell of the dying and infected smell was overwhelming. I banged on the glass door hoping someone was still inside. 

No one. I banged again. Still no one. 

"Hello? Someone please help me!"

Suddenly a tall black mass walked towards me. I sighed in relief, happy to get the cat the help it needed. 

As the mass got closer I saw who it was, and he didn't look very happy to see me. In fact he was huffing, opening the door in a swift motion,

"Can't you read the sign lady? It's closed," he showed the sign and proceeded to slam the door, but I placed my foot in between. At this he looked at me curiously. He was closing the door with such force that it should've broke a few bones on my foot. But I didn't even wince. 

"Please, I found this cat dying and it has huge claw marks on it!"

At the mention of claw marks he turned his head back at me and back at the cat. 

"Where did you find it?" He asked

"In the alley right next to the building."

He considered me for a moment and then lowered his head, 

"There's nothing we can do for this cat except put it out of its misery."

I huffed and spat at him, "God you're a terrible vet." Turned around and left, still holding the cat in my arms.


"Who was that?" asked Stiles, as he dumped the last pack of ice into the large body of water,

"A girl holding a cat in her arms, crying for help. The cat looked like it was clawed to death, so I just told her to put it out of its misery and she told me how incapable I was." Derek answered, chuckling a little. 

They all laughed a little, this interruption clearly easing the tension. Suddenly Stiles stopped pouring the ice, dropped it on the floor and rushed over to Derek. 

"Who was it?" He asked all agitated, eyes searching in Derek's.


"WHO WAS IT?" he asked again, a little more loudly and angrier this time,

"I don't know! Just some girl that-" he stopped. His eyes met Stiles's, "some girl that I've never seen before." he whispered. 

"Describe her to me," Stiles added,

Derek shook his head trying to remember, "it's so hazy I don't know why but I remember seeing a pendant around her neck. Why?"

"It's the girl whose eyes glowed red when all the crows dropped dead this morning."

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