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I woke up to the loud sound of my ringtone and glanced around. I saw that I had fallen asleep, holding Stiles's hand by the side of the bed. I yawned and picked up my phone, seeing that Derek was calling me.

"What is it now?" I said yawning again. 

"(y/n) come to Scott's house right now we're gonna need as much reinforcements as possible."

I looked at Stiles, who was still sleeping, snoring gently. 

"Stiles's not moving, so get your ass down here."

"Bark another order at me and you're facing those masked ninja demons alone."

I could practically hear the eyeroll. I hung up, picked up my bag and placed a peck on Stiles's head. 

I changed into a raven and headed for Scott's house. 

I perched myself on the window and looked at what was happening inside the house. Walls were shaking, plates were broken and it smelled like blood. 

I moved towards the window and croaked lightly. Kira then spotted me and squinted. 

I'm not going to be able to save your asses if you don't let me in, I croacked. 

Kira's jaw then dropped and marched towards the window opening it. I passed a shadow corner of the house and turned back into my human self. I think I might've traumatized the poor girl. 

"Is something wrong?" I questioned slowly, looking around me. 

"You- you just-" 

"Yeah I get that a lot," I retorted, patting her shoulder, "c'mon we got some men to save."

"Not like I wanted to to," I groaned. Derek landed right at my feet.

"You took your time huh?" he hissed sarcastically, before he was picked up by the ninja again. He was thrown into the wall, but I stopped him before the disastrous impact, dropping him to his feet. 

I looked at the ninja in its... eyes? And mentally crushed him. He began spasming violently and I reached forward, guided by my guides and reached inside his heart, pulling out a... firefly? 

I watched the firefly move in my palm but I crushed it in a swift movement. When I reopened my hand, all I saw was a small pile of dust. 

"Holy shit!" I heard one of the twins cry, "she's been here for two minutes and she already killed one!"

I smiled at him, "oh Ethan, I'm flattered, thank you." I bowed dramatically at him. 

"I'm Aidan."

"And I don't care."

I grinned at him before going to help out Scott. I pushed off the mask intruder outside the door, and that's when Scott's mom threw the mountain ash, creating a barrier between us. 

I turned around, dusting my hand off, but I felt something... weird. It also started to sting a little. I saw that everyone was looking at me as if I paired the wrong shoes with my outfit. 

"Why are you all staring at me like that?" I yelled. 

"Cause you literally have a sword impaled in you," shivered Kira. 

I looked down and there was indeed a sword that pierced through my stomach. 

I turned at the ninja demons who were standing outside. 

"Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?" I asked, removing the sword in one go. 

I staggered a little, but I felt Derek rush to my side. I picked up the sword and saw it painted with black blood. I chuckled. It dropped in a clank and I saw the room spinning. 

"How bad does it look?" I muttered, looking distantly at the ceiling. 

"A little more than a cut that's for sure," Derek chuckled nervously, "hey keep your eyes open!"

"Oh Derek, I've been through worse. It's just a scratch."

Scott walked over, kneeling next to me, "your blood is staining my carpet." He joked and I smiled, hissing as I tried to move.

"Derek, lift me up," I ordered. 

"Don't get up you'll make it worse-"

I shot him a death glare. He rolled his eyes and lifted me up. I then staggered forward but managed to stand up straight, holding the sword. 

"How is she still standing?" asked Kira, in Scott's ear.

I looked down and saw that my wound had closed itself. Thankfully this time I wore a black shirt to the party. I pointed the sword at them and my eyes glowed red. 

"I have no idea..." he admitted. 

We waited to see the demons' next move. Scott's phone than rang, and Allison explained that they were looking for an evil spirit. The void. The Nogistune. They would hurt no one. 

"THEY THREW A SWORD AT ME!" I yelled into the phone.

"OH MY GOD! Are you ok?" Isaac shouted.

Suddenly the ninjas broke through, but Scott ordered us to not move. I scoffed, obeyed but still prepared in case of any... surprises. 

They grabbed Scott's and Kira's faces, started into their soul, but they decided they were in the clear. Then I saw one making its way towards me. I froze and wanted to fight back but Derek held my hand, warningly. 

It grabbed my face hard, and I stared into their glowing yellow eyes. I relaxed into it and eventually they dropped me, feeling Derek catching me before my head hit the floor. After my muscles unfroze I sat up and followed Scott to the hospital where Stiles was. 

"(y/n) how did you heal faster than I did?" asked Scott as we jogged side by side to Stiles's room. 

"I just healed?"

"But there was so much blood, I really thought you were going to die."

I sneered at him, "actually, I took longer to heal since I'm a little old." Scott still looked at me in awe. "It's magic Scotty, I was made to be indestructible."

I stopped at his door, peered in and saw that the bed was empty. 

"Scott!" I hit this arm repeatedly, "Scott! Where's Stiles?"

We ran in different directions, searching for Stiles. I yelled his name like a maniac. I stopped for a moment catching my breath, hand pressing against my belly, where the sword pierced through hours earlier. 

"(y/n)?" a voice called out. I turned around and saw Stiles by Scott side. I ran to him and threw myself in his arms. He held his ground, catching me steadily. I buried my face in the crook of his neck. 

I panted, relieved, happy, still a little shaken up. I pulled away, looking into his eyes. He looked like he had a good night's sleep. 

He wiped the hair falling in front of my face and tucked it behind my ear. I leaned into his hand. He chuckled. 

Stiles inched forward and kissed me. It felt smooth and soft. Like it's been forever. The kiss was long, yearning and leaving even me breathless when we pulled away.

"Woah..." I chuckled.

"Did I take you breath away?"

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