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"Guys can't it wait?" said Scott. Stiles looked at him as if he had been slapped,

"I'm sorry what? Did I hear that right? Can you reapeat?"

"We can't go right now Stiles! The druid will have to wait I just got attacked earlier by Aidan and Ethan. And speaking of which, Isaac and I have to meet back at the house,"

At the mention of Aidan, I noticed how Lydia, turned her head and stared at the ground. Stiles hung his head defeated,

"Ok well we have to take care of it as soon as possible!"

"Stiles!" I went up to him, grabbing his face with my two hands, forcing him to look at me, "listen to me, I have a feeling that this darach whoever or whatever they are is not going to kill Mr. Harris just yet, so just," I breathed, 'calm down okay?" 

He nodded while squeezing my hands, I shared calming and comforting energy with him, feeling him relax under my touch. 

"Hey lovebirds! I'm sorry to interrupt but I have to steal (y/n) here," Scott intervened grabbing me by the wrist, "Derek wants you to be there," hw whispered and I nodded. 

I looked back  at Stiles making sure he was ok and he bit his lip,

"Whatever Derek wants with you, be careful alright?"

"Yes Mr. Stilinski, I will," I winked at him and disappeared with Scott. 

"Hey there wolfies!" I said as I barged into their house. They were gathered around the table, lamp lighting up what seemed like a building plan, "what are you planning again?" 

I went and gave Boyde a fist bump, nodding at Peter and hugged Cora. I gripped the table, looking at what they were planning,

"You aren't going to say hi to me?" asked Derek eyebrows raised. Everyone turned to look at him, "what she said hi to everyone but she ignored me!"

"How old are you?" asked Peter, "keep it in your pants." 

Everyone laughed while Derek rolled his eyes, 

"Hello Derek," I finally said looking at him with a gleam. He didn't answer just smiled.

"You can't just barge in there and expect to kill Deucalion," I shot up, showing how awful and stupid their plan was. 

"He is blind, so he won't see it coming," Isaac commented. Everyone looked at him. 

"What? It's true," he said in between laughs. Derek sighed and turned his attention back,

"We will kill only him,"

"The other alphas will be there you know that right?" I intercepted,

"Yeah, we're counting on it," smirked Cora. 

I shook my head, they were walking to a deadly trap. They were outnumbered undertrained. This was a death wish. 

"I'm coming with you," I stated sternly. 

"WHAT? No. No way, out of the question," replied Derek head shaking. 

"They're going to beat your asses out there! You need me!" I barked back. 

"She's right you know," Peter agreed, and the rest of the pack nodded. All except Derek. 

"I'll chain you down if I have to but you're not going in there, and that's final."

"I'm not a kid Derek! You've proved at multiple times that you need me,"

Everyone looked at me, taking in the words I said,

"I-I- mean yes I'm '18' but c'mon you're missing the point-"

Suddenly, without leaving me time to react, Derek lunged at me in his wolf form, making me falling on the ground, knocking my head. He growled at me, his eyes burning red. He held my arms, making me unable to move. I was paralyzed and I had an alpha hovering above me. 

"Are we about to kiss?" I asked innocently which made Derek's head perk up. I smirked. Using the momentum I used my forced to roll him over, getting up as fast as I could, stomping him. 

He caught my foot and was about to drag me down when I pulled it away. I staggered back a few steps, and brushed the hair out of my face,

"Firstly, don't ever let the enemy distract you, however attractive they are," I grinned cockily but he growled at me. 

Out of nowhere, I summoned a knife and made it roll around my finger in order to intimidate him. Which worked for a moment. But then he was charging at me and I ordered the knife to attack him, which he easily dodge. However that was part of the plan as the knife came back to me, like a boomerang. On its way back, the knife slashed Derek's arm from the shoulder down. he winced in pain and was stopped short. 

I caught the knife and looked at him. Quirking my eyebrows at him defiantly. I saw him looking at Peter for a moment and turned his attention back at me. 

He charged towards me but stopped, before attacking. I still felt myself being pushed back on the wall. I groaned, grabbing my head. Derek then came forward slowly and held my neck. I looked at him reluctantly. He had changed to his human form,

"And this is the part where you get bitten, or killed," he said softly. I looked at his arm. It had already healed. "You fought well (y/n)," he added. Instead I pushed him off and decided to walk away, not looking behind. 

I was going to help them avoid this massacre, whether the alpha liked it or not.


"She's a feisty one," noted Peter,

"You should let her come along Derek, we'll have an advantage," agreed Cora. Derek knew they were both right. But he couldn't risk it.

"They don't know they're a witch so let's keep it that way."

"But she's a Black Derek! She could snap an alpha's neck with just one look at it!"

"This isn't her fight!" he roared, silencing them. 

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