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This weekend, I had nothing on my hands to do, so I decided to go for a little jog in the woods, right behind my apartment. I put on a sports outfit and wore a light jacket in order to pretend the cold outside was affecting me. 

I shoved the earbuds in and went outside. It was still quite early so it'd be perfect time to jog while avoiding anyone in this chilly Saturday morning. I went around back and found a trail into the woods. It was calm and quiet. The leaves weren't all on the floor though most of them were a orange or a light brown. I enjoyed the crunchy noise they made under my steps. I went deeper and deeper until I was surrounded with nothing but trees. I leaned on a tree and caught my breath. It's been a while since I've ran this fast and this far. But the scenery made it so much more enjoyable. I took out my phone, pulling the earbuds out. After snapping a few pictures to put in my photo album titled 'beacon hills, or should I say... bacon hills?', I shoved the phone back in the jacket's pocket. I closed my eyes and savored the chilly fresh air that stung my lungs. The pain I loved. 

Then I head something. A twig snapping. I turned around, but saw nothing. I was now on my guard. I listened for anymore sound but was met with silence until I focused doing last night's trick again. That's when I heard voices. 

"Derek come on out! We don't bite! I mean I don't maybe Scott here does- Yeah okay I'll shut up now." 

"Derek, get out here now!"

Next thing I knew was I found myself behind a tree but in front of my eyes was an abandoned house that looked like it was burnt down. But it was still standing and looked like it was in a mediocre state. Probably needed a fresh coat of paint. 

That's when I noticed it was the same two boys as last night. Scott and Stiles. In front of the main entrance stood a man in a gray shirt and black pants. His arms was crossed and he looked like he was about to murder the boys. 

I closed my eyes and muttered something. I watched the scene unfold. 

"Alright get your asses inside then," he motioned with his head to go inside. 

He watched them go inside, as I leaned forward to see what was inside the house, I think I may have accidently slipped, but caught myself in time. However it made the leaves under my feet rustle. 

Uh oh. 

I clasped my hand to my mouth and prayed he hadn't heard me. I didn't hear anything for a few minutes and gathered my courage to look back. 

No one. I thanked my guides and resolved myself to get closer to the house, curiosity taking over. I walked closer, making sure not to snap a twig or making the floorboard under my feet creak. 

I pressed my ear at the door and listened. 

"What do you say you pay back that favor now?" 

I heard shuffling and then something whooshing like a... kitchen torch? 

I didn't need to focus on their conversation as cries and yells could be heard even outside the house. But I staggered back as I heard howling and groaning. It wasn't human, it was animal... like a beast. 

"Hold him down!" I heard someone bark. This voice I didn't recognize so guessed it was Derek's. 

Were they burning someone alive in there. Should I intervene?

However the cries died down and the area fell into silence again. 

Whatever they killed in there, was gone with pain. 

"By the way Derek," said Scott. His voice sounded out of breath, as if he just ran a marathon. I could smell sweat but not death, which was odd, because I'm pretty sure they killed someone in there.

"Something weird happened last night," I pressed my ear closer to the door and closed my eyes, cutting myself from the outside world. 

"What? Did you meet one of them?" Derek's voice sounded worried. 

"No no, no such thing. But we had this encounter-"

"With a girl who was smoking hot by the way!" chuckled Stiles

I grinned. 

"Anyways, this girl was waiting for her food, sitting alone at her table and she was closing her eyes-"

"Get to the point Scott I don't have all day-"


I jerked back, cringing from the sudden outburst,

"I was talking to Stiles and then when he said something funny, she like snorted?" He said like it was a question. 

"What about it?"

"She was across the room from us."

Silence. I could hear them shift. 

"Did you smell anything out of the ordinary?"

"Well I mean she did come in the restaurant alone, and when we caught her she pretended to look out the window."

"So she's new."

"No shit Sherlock we just said we didn't know her." Stiles retorted, in a mocking tone.

"You never said that," Derek shot back, voice flat. 

Scott sighed and continued,

"That's the problem. We've never seen her before. But she didn't smell like she was one of us. So what could she be?"

"I'd have to see this girl for myself." I widened my eyes, and began making my way back to where I came from, trying to make the least noise as possible. 

I sprinted back to my apartment, locking the door as many times as the locks permitted my to and muttered something under my breath and placed my hands on the door. After a while I sighed and went to take a hot shower, hoping it would cleanse away the disturbing conversation I had eavesdropped on. 

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