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My most beloved, Stiles Stilinski, 

I don't know where to start this sappy goodbye letter, but I think I'll start off by saying thank you. 

Thank you for the memories, for the laughs, the tears, the pain and the happiness. 

I know our time together was short, and it was cruel for the universe to give us so little time. But know that in all my immortal life, I have never felt more alive. I will always remember the way my stomach did a summersault when you entered a room or when our hands touched I would feel this rush of electricity. 

I will miss you pale skinny face and pressing kisses and love bites all over it. I will miss your sarcasm but your soft spot for people you care about. I'll most certainly miss being your big spoon and your little hand. The little hand that holds mine whenever I have nightmares in the middle of the night and wake up crying. 

I'll miss my Stiles who rushes out of class to wait for me outside the door, so that we could go downtown to get ice cream or food. 

I'll miss my Stiles who tags along with Lydia and I to shop and helps me with my bags so that and I quote ' don't break my back."

I hope the next person who has you will know the little things that make you, you. How you can't sleep without your pillow. How you need someone to kiss you when you have a panic attack or when you're unsure if this is a dream or not. How you need someone to be there for you when the nightmares come back. 

Thank you for being there for my nightmares. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that my nightmares weren't just bad dreams, that I can shake off when I wake up. But these were warnings, premonitions. Visions. The day I'm writing this, at midnight, I'll go into the woods and face my niece and nephews. Once and for all. 

I may die killing them, but it'll be worth it. They won't hurt anyone else and I would've helped by ridding the world of these demons. 

I hope my time in Beacon Hills was helpful. I hope that I managed with my powers and my wisdom, managed to save a few lives that would've been lost without me. 

I was hunted down all my life, and I came to Beacon Hills to stop hiding. To stop running. But a prey will never become the predator. But in the time I spent hiding in Beacon Hills, I found you guys. Scott, Lydia, Allison, Isaac, Derek, and you. You're the family I never got to have. 

Thank you for being my rainbow after the storm Stiles. 

I want you to be happy when I'm gone. I want you to find happiness again, even if it's not with me. I'll be watching over you. So live a life worth watching. 

I'll still be your girl, even when I'll be a ghost. 

I'll won't be gone. You'll find me in the little things; the soft breeze that caresses your face. The bird that will wake you up when you're late. The fallen leaves one autumn afternoon. Or even as the song on the radio that will remind you of us.

 I'll still be with you Stiles. 

So good bye. I truly wish we had more time. But my eternity is up. I'll be waiting for you in yours. 

I'm running out of ink, so 

Good bye Stiles. 

You'll be my last thought, when I take my dying breath so I can go onto the next realm with the sweet memory of us. 

Good bye Stiles, I miss you already, 

Yours forever,

(y/n) (l/n). 

I folded the letter into the envelope and wiped the tears away from my face. I held it tight against me, sobbing uncontrollably. It wasn't fair. 

It wasn't fair to find your soulmate and had to say good bye to them over night. 

I recollected my thoughts before I would have second thoughts. It was already hard enough. 

I changed into a raven, one last time, I remembered and flew to Stiles house. 

I perched myself on the familiar window still and studied him. He was drowning in homework, brows creasing at the difficult question. His eyes also started to drop. He was probably tired, and hungry, as I heard his tummy grumble loudly. 

His dad then knocked on his door and told him dinner was ready. It was late, but not surprising since his dad had very long shifts. 

Stiles's face lit up as his father came to save him from his revisions and his inability to concentrate anymore since he was thinking about food too much. 

The sheriff ordered Stiles to open the window to let the air come in as it smelled like a coyote den. Stiles rolled his eyes and came to open the window. I moved out of the way, blending in the shadows. He paused outside and looked back and forth, biting his lips. He almost saw me. But he didn't. 

I flew into his room, and placed the letter under his pillow, so he'd find the letter after and not interfere. 

I took one last look at him room. The blue painted room that i stumbled in when a werewolf slashed me across the stomach. The room I spent many nights in after Stiles fight with the Nogitsune and he needed someone for his nightmares and panic attacks. 

I flew out the room silently and went directly to the woods to kill my nephews and my niece. Or die trying. 

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