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"She's a Black so what? Doesn't mean she's bad," Scott pointed out, I liked him. Very innocent and had the purest intentions so far, "she could even help us."

At the Derek considered me as Scott's words sunk in his mind. 

That's all I was, a weapon, someone they could sue in order to do their dirty work.

"No way in hell I'm dealing with you werewolves again. Never."

I began stepping back, rejoining Allison who was looking at me, emotions scattered all around the room. 

"Whether you help us or not, we can deal with that later. Right now, we have another problem to take care of," he said as he pointed towards the brutally torn apart door that I came from earlier. 

"Alright that's my cue, peace out." I said as I wavered them off, making my way to the door.

"Wait (y/n)-" I heard Scott say, I turned around and met his eyes, "could you please make sure Allison gets home safe?"

"Scott I can protect myself-"

"Not against two werewolves who were deprived of moonlight for three months," he said sternly his gaze going from her to me.

I sighed. Allison was a nice girl. I knew she was an Argent and could defend herself, with her crossbow and her arrows, but in case anything happened I could be here. And Scott asked nicely so that helps too.

"C'mon Allison, let's get out of here," I extended my hand and motioned for her to follow me. On her way back her shoulder hit Scott's knocking him slightly off balance. I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her arm comfortingly,

"Are you ok?" I asked gently,

She shrugged as we crossed the threshold of the bank hearing behind us bones crushing and howling. 

"I think so yeah," she answered after a while,

"You got that Argent way of fighting," I comforted her hoping it would make her feel better,

"You know my family?" She asked with a little smiled,

"Ehhh, you could say that." I chuckled, and she giggled. 

We talked and talked. She filled me in about everything that had happened. The kanima, Jackson, Scott turning but getting a hold of his abilities and this new issues that came to Beacon Hills: the Alpha pack. I've dealt with alphas before, but a whole pack of them? This could turn ugly fast. She also told me how they were outnumbered. One single alpha - Derek - against maybe six or more of them, including the chief alpha. Yeah this was definitely going to turn sour. 

"Allison, you know that this is beyond your hunting abilities right? An alpha is difficult enough to deal with but a whole pack of them?"

"(y/n) that's why we need your help. I have no idea what a Black is or the extent of your power, but if it made Derek shiver, I trust him enough to know that you could help us take them down and avoid any other casualties," she came to a stop in front of what seemed like her house who only had a few lit lamps.

"Allison, I understand, but in the past-"

"(y/n) you're not hearing me! People are dying, innocent teenagers are being killed, ripped apart, and you have the power to stop it but you choose not to." I crossed my arms and looked at her, "Like Churchill once said; 'with great power comes great responsibility.'"

"Isn't that Spiderman?" I joked which earned a smile from her.

"Spiderman or Churchill it doesn't matter, people I care about that I'm sure you'll grow to care about, are in danger. They think they are protecting us but really they're just stupid teenage boys with hero complexes that are trying to get themselves killed!" I laughed and agreed.

"Emotions make you weak Allison, I learned that the hard way," I said lowly to her, eyes on the ground. She grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into a hug, 

"You're wrong, emotions are what drive you. They push you, they motivate you," She sighed and pulled away, "at least think about it?" 

I nodded but assured her my answer would probably be a big fat 'no'. I escaped the supernatural world a long time ago, hoping it would make my problems go away, but it seems like I can't escape it. And it seems like I'll never be able to.

"You give me a call if anything happens okay? I'll be there right away," I assured her, motioning to the cellphone in my jacket. I bid her farewell and wished her good night, though we both knew none of use would get a restful sleep tonight. Not when these... monsters were roaming around. 

I walked back home, occasionally glancing back, expecting to be followed by someone or something. Suddenly I heard something. Moving fast. And towards me. 

I was tired of running. Of covering up or hiding who I was. I was chosen for a reason, so might as well use my powers. 

Extending my hands out, fire in my throat and adrenaline filling my veins, I exhaled and looked around for a sign of danger,

"Let's see who's the alpha," I taunted, somewhat hoping it would hear me. I knew I was going to be sore from this fight as it has been a while since I fought, but it would do me good.

But instead of a vicious monster, the cat I revived came out from behind a dumpster. I sighed in relief, and made my way towards the cat. I knelt down and petted its head that rubbed against my leg. I chuckled, telling myself how stupid and paranoid I had become. 

"You scared the hell out of me-" I stopped remembering how this cat had no name, "you look like an... Epsilon," I named him after the E letter of the Greek alphabet, since we were surrounded with werewolves, plus it would give her a cute nickname; Silly. 

"I have to go home Silly, it's not safe for you stay out here," I got up and started walking back towards my apartment. The cat was still trotting besides me, but I told her I couldn't bring pets in and promised to bring her food. 

Then cat then hissed and disappeared when we heard a thrilling shriek in the night, that came from the school.

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