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Monday. First day of school for me. I was pretty nervous being here at Beacon Hills High School. There was a big crowd already rushing towards the doors.

I clung to my backpack and strode confidently towards the entrance. Heads turned around as they all wanted a glimpse of the new kid. I walked down the hallway filled with lockers and looked down at the paper in my hand. 

I made my way to my assigned locker and dialed the lock's combination, opening it wide. I shoved all my books and made sure all my books for my next classes were in my bag. As I slammed the locker door shut, a girl with brown hair was right next to me, doing her thing. She definitely caught me off guard as I didn't hear her. She furrowed her eyebrows and turned, eyes meeting mine, noticing how I was staring.

"Oh hi! Are you new here?" I nodded with a smile, "my name's Allison, nice to meet you." She extended her hand but I only looked at it. 

"Nice to meet you Allison, my name's (y/n)," Then I watched as a girl with strawberry blonde hair came and exchanged a few words with her friend before finally noticing me.

"Hello, didn't see you there, and who could you be?"

"Lydia, meet (y/n), (y/n) meet Lydia." Allison answered instead..

I could read all them like a book, the vibes and energy matched their exterior perfectly. Teenagers. Giving away everything, while desperately trying to hide it all. 

"Nice to meet you (y/n)," she looked at me up and down and her eyes stopped at the necklace I had around my neck. 

"I love your locket!"

She was lying. 

"Thank you," I said in between my teeth, managing to smile a little. I wasn't going to be affected the first day back at school when I wanted to start over. 

"So (y/n) any boyfriend?" Lydia asked again, leaning on Allison's locker, "or girlfriend."

"No, no boyfriend. And yourselves?"

Both of them snickered a little but then went on filling me in about how their relationships all failed or were on hiatus for the better. I was surprised at how fast these girls were opening up to me. Lydia was going on about her rant on this Jackson boy when she stopped midsentence,

"Would you look at that?" She smirked. We followed her gaze and spotted a pair of tall and broad shoulders boys, wearing leather jackets and the full biker look.

"Brothers?" asked Allison, not with as much enthusiasm as Lydia.

"No," she grinned again, "twins." As they walked passed I couldn't help but feel a shiver going down my spine. They radiated rage and their intentions were definitely not pure. I tried to suppress the feeling but it lingered on. 

Then one of the brothers head turn around and caught my eye. I held my ground and eventually he turned back around, whispering something in his brother's ear. 

"Oh my God (y/n) it's been only five minutes and you're already stealing my distractions!" Lydia cried out, but then laughed. I chuckled and assured I wasn't romantically interested in both of them. Though I was very curious as they reminded me of something that I encountered a very long time ago. 

Allison and Lydia had the kindness of accepting me as one of their own and making me feel right at home as they showed me around the school, telling me all of its secrets. Eventually we stopped in front of the class door, and went inside. I looked at the student. Geeks, jocks, nerds... every student came in different shapes in forms. I scanned the room and my eyes fell on him. 

The student with a flannel and a grey t-shirt. He looked bright and joyful as he was talking to his seat neighbor asking them how they were doing after this break. 


I turned my head lightly and spotted his friend. Scott. However, it was as if he knew that someone was staring at him. He met my gaze and his eyes widened. I watched as he not-so-discreetly wavered his arms around looking for his friend. 

"Stiles! Stiles, look!" he said in a whisper but I heard it loud and clear. 

I adverted my attention back at Stiles who stared at me, mouth slightly open,

"Holy shit,' he muttered. 

But then Scott's eyes switched direction and fell on something behind me. I looked around and saw... Allison. 

My throat made a 'oh' sound while I nudged her, snapping her out of the staring contest she had going on with Scott. 

"So he's the ex-boyfriend," I said with a grin. She bit her lip and nodded. Clearly still affecyed by the sight of him. 

There was an empty chair right in front of Scott. We all looked at it and Allison turned at me and said, voice breaking,

"You sit there, I'll find another table don't worry."

I nodded and made my way to said table. I put my books down and ignored the voices behind me. 

"Dude she's friends with Allison and Lydia already?" 

"I can hear you," I spoke aloud. I could practically see them from behind my head that they were frantic. 

"Uhm hi yeah, about the other day, I'm really sorry-"

I turned around,

"Oh don't worry it's all forgotten," I quickly smiled at them. I could hear Stile's heartbeat rush, I was concerned as it seemed he was about to have a heart attack, "you're Stiles and Scott right?"

"How-how- do you-" Stiles stuttered,

"Well Lydia and Allison of course."

"I promise you we're not bad guys," Scott said with a big goofy grin. 

I nodded and suddenly I heard a voice in my head say,

Do not make promises you cannot keep.

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