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Getting out of the hospital with Isaac and the Hales, we spotted the Argent barring the road. 

"No to make this uncomfortable, but wasn't the last time you saw them when you killed Kate and they burned you alive?" said Isaac. I turned around to see Peter's reaction but he was already gone. I rushed out of the car to see Allison. When she spotted me, she pulled me into a hug and whispered how she was glad I was fine. 

"Where's Stiles?" I immediately questioned. She told me Stiles was fine and he was still at the hospital, but that they took Scott's mom. Then, from behind, another car pulled right next to us. Getting out of the driver's seat was Derek. 

"Is everything alright?" He asked the Argents, and he noticed me. He breathed out, running up to me. He wrapped me in his arms, and I didn't return the gesture at first, but relief that he was unharmed took over and I patted him on the back. 

Derek told the Argents that Scott was taken away by Deucalion and that they need to be careful because Jennifer was still out there. He asked me to help Cora and move up the body to his car. I nodded, going over to his car, as he managed to take care of the handling pretty well. 

Back at the Hale's loft, I opened my phone and texted Stiles;

Hey where are you? 

I'm being questioned by the FBI, and yourself?

I'm at the loft taking care of Cora. Are you hurt? 

No are you? 

No I'm safe.

 I have to go or they'll confiscate my phone. I'll call you later? 

Of course, take care Stiles. 

Take care (y/n)

I shoved my phone back and requested more towels from peter, he nodded and went to fetch more in order to wipe Cora's sweat. 

"She's getting worse by the minute, and there's nothing I can do," I whispered shaking. I felt useless, powerless. 

"Hey don't beat yourself down (y/n), this isn't your fight," Derek told me.

"But this is magic, and I'm a witch I should be able to help I should be able to-"

"Hey listen to me!' Derek yelled, grabbing my face and making me stare into his striking eyes, "you're doing the best you can and it's enough alright? This isn't your fault."

"Was she worth it?' I asked, angrily, seeing how my eyes glowed red in the reflection of his eyes, "was it worth it to be tangled up with her in these very sheets? Was it worth it to have sex with her and then have her cursing your sister?"

"I didn't know what she was or that she'd do this." Derek spat back, showing his scarlet eyes.

"If Cora dies, I hope the grief and the guilt will eat you alive."

"Sorry to bother your angsty make out session right now, but I need to talk to my nephew alone?"

I pushed him off me, "I'd rather die than make out with him."

A few hours passed until I got a phone call from a frantic Lydia, begging me for help. As soon as I heard the word Stiles. I felt the whole world caving in and I knew there was no second left to loose. I shifted into my bird form and flew as fast as I could to the school, where I found them in the boy's locker room. Stiles was having a panic attack, 

"Stiles? Stiles listen to me, I'm here now," I grabbed his face and made him look into my eyes, "breathe with me ok?"

But Stiles was not breathing, in fact he was having more trouble to maintaining a rhythm and I knew he was going to crash in a few instants, unsure of what to do and Lydia, screaming at me to do something was not helping either. I asked my guides for help and next thing I knew, I was kissing Stiles. 

The kiss went on until I knew he was beating normally again. His heartbeat steadied and he pulled away. 

"What was that for?"

"Calming you down dumbass," I giggled.

"It made me more nervous actually," I licked my lip and smirked in response. Stiles told me how they now had Allison's father captive. But he and Lydia found where they were keeping him. The nemeton. I recognized the word. 

"Go with Lydia to Derek's and ask them about the root cellar, they'll know where to find them." We nodded and took off back to the loft. 

As Lydia knocked on the door and Peter came to open it, I cringed at the awkward exchange and brushed past them, 

"How is she doing?" I asked Derek still by his sister's side.

"Not any better," he confessed. 

"We know where they're keeping the parents, under the root cellar, Stiles told me that you guys know where it is," Lydia said crossing her arm.

"We knew where it was, but after everything that happened there, our mother took away our memory, so, sorry but we can't help." Peter replied avoiding her eyes. 

Lydia groaned in frustration and took off, going to find the others. I told her that I would stay back and that if they needed anything that they called me. 

After making sure she was gone I spoke up, "actually there might be a way."

"Derek if you think about it, it makes sense. Plus it'll be real help for the kids and it'll avoid any bloodshed." Peter noted. 

I shouldn't have told them, this technique. It was something used by witches in the ancient times. In order to get access to memories even the erased ones, you'd have to engage in a sexual act with the person in order to get them to show their memories, as the pleasure would bring down the barriers of the subconscious.

"I wouldn't have said this if I had no other choice," I pointed out, pinching the bridge of my nose. 

"You said you would rather die than make out with me, so take Peter he's been there before."

Peter and I both exchanged disgusted looks before I added, "but you have a stronger connection to that place."

Derek sighed and dropped Cora's hand. He walked up to me and I noticed how exhausted and stressed he looked. 

"I'm doing this for them, not for you."

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