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I stared at him, expression blank. His eyes turned at me in worry as he saw the tears streaming down my face. 

"(y/n) what happened?" He asked while dragging me into his loft. I watched as he threw down the DJ's table, ending the party. Everyone scattered for the exit as his voice boomed. In a few seconds we were the only ones standing. I glanced towards the staircase but Stiles was gone. 

I sobbed. Derek caught me as I began crying uncontrollably, all the  paint and the makeup washing all away leaving tracks down my face. 

"Hey, hey, (y/n) what happened?" Derek's hushed voice said. 

I didn't hear him. The sounds of my wailings echoing in the loft, blocking out any voices. After crying all the tears in my body. 

"Stiles-" I huffed, "I was getting drinks and he made out with someone."

Derek shot up and anger was burning in his eyes, he looked like he was about to set the world on fire. 

"I'm going to kill him. I swear to God (y/n) I'm going to kill him."

I blew my nose and stood up, steadying myself with one of the wooden pillars. 

"I was about to put his life above mine Derek..." I trailed, voice that came out in a whisper. 

Derek was about to say something when my other friends walked in. Aidan was carrying Lydia, bridal style as she was shivering uncontrollably. Isaac, Allison were helping Ethan stand up and Scott was sprinting through the front door with Kira. Then that's when they appeared.

The shadow people wearing black masks. Derek pushed me to the ground, right as one was taking a swing at me. I was too shaken up to put up a fight. I watched as the werewolves were trying to defend, but all failing miserably. They grabbed Aidan and marked him. 

They stalked over to Scott and I. I retreated put felt my back against the wood pillar. I closed my eyes and prayed that it wasn't painful. But nothing happened. I opened them and saw that the shadow ninjas disappeared. Scott was confused as well. I looked outside and saw what made them leave. The sun. 

I sighed and brought my knees to my chest, hugging them. 

"(y/n) what's wrong?" asked cautiously Allison, crouching down next to me. 

I lifted my head and she gasped. 

"Why what's wrong?" 

"Your tears (y/n) they're black," noticed Lydia. 

After Derek sent everyone home, he came over by my side and sat down on the bed. I tried to sleep, get some rest but I couldn't. 

"Hey I went to your apartment, got you your arsenal of potions and other things that could help." Derek softly said, handing me a chest full of little vials. I smiled and thanked him. I swallowed several of them and immediately felt better, the weight of the grief, sadness lifting off my shoulders. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

I remained silent for a moment and sighed. 

"He was drunk so maybe it's not his fault-"

"(y/n) did he pull away when she kissed him?"

I shook my head. I felt Derek's eyes on me. I looked at him, cocking my head to the side. His hands reached forward. He tucked my hair behind my ear and looked at my neck, spotting the purple bruises. He grinned.

"You've been busy."

"You don't get to talk. You were gone and I got no phone calls, no texts, nothing."

He sighed and hesitated.

"Truth is I was being locked up in some basement. Tortured for some she wolf that I don't know.'

"Wait what?" I said standing up, "you were alone?"

"With Peter actually."

I scoffed, "you guys can never stay out of trouble can you?"

He smirked, getting closer, "trouble is my middle name."

I heard my phone buzzing, interrupting whatever was going to happen next. Scott's face lighting up. 

"Hey Scott what's up?"

"(y/n)! You have to listen to me first off there are no words for what happened last night but please know that it meant nothing. I know I fucked up and that I was a dick for leaving but I left because I figured out was that key was for-" Stiles voice came out of the other side of the phone.

"Stiles. I don't care. You think this will make up for what you've done?"

I turned the phone away from my ear, my finger hovering above the red button,

"(y/n) don't you dare hang up on me. Don't you fucking hang up!"

I flinched at the tone of his voice. Derek grabbed my phone and hung up instead. 

"Come on, let's go get some food."


Stiles knew he messed up. He didn't know what happened that time. Why he didn't notice that it wasn't (y/n). Why he kept on kissing her. A stranger. A girl his heart wasn't skipping for. But he knew that if (y/n) felt that his guilt, his confusion and his regret were genuine, maybe, maybe he'd have another chance with her. He'd make things right.

He'd give the world for this girl. This thousand year old witch trapped in the body of a 18 year old. 

He was angry with himself. Fuming. Beating himself up for this stupid mistake. Alcohol was the savior of some, but to him? It destroyed what he held dear. What he cared about. He knew their relationship was fragile, uncertain, confusing, private. But it was there. The butterflies, the shivers, the stuttering. It was all there and yet he still found a way to mess it up. 

The worse being that he left, without (y/n). Without fighting for his girl. 

Stiles knew that if he faced her, he better be protected by someone or something because she would be capable of killing him in the fit of anger and sadness. 

He knew she could snap out of control, and kill him. 

But he wasn't going to give up easily. He was Stiles Stilinski at the end of the day. And Stiles always comes up with something. 

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