you did what you had to do

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song inspired: say you love me/all i want

"i killed him" i said while i held the knife and my hands were shaking

"you had to do it clarke" bellamy said trying to calm me down "wells was going to kill yoj if you havent done anything"

"I kill him bellamy, i killed him!"

"clarke look at me, it's okay" bellamy said and took the knife out of my hands, my hands were still shaking. Even harder now. "clarke look at me, look at me clarke!" bellamy yelled

i slowly move my eyes from the ground to bellamys face

"its okay princess, you did what you had to do" he said placing a hand on my cheek and started to brushing it

"i did what i had to do, i did what i had to do" i mumured loudly enough so tjat he could hear it

"yes princess, you did what you had to do"

a couple days later

"hey" octavia said, sitting next to me to the bonfire

"hey" i quickly said

"so how are you" octavia said

"could be better but, i'll get over it. How about you?" I asked

"nothing new really, i just like if i could stay more time here since you know now that i'm indra's second i spend almost all the time in ton d.c." octavia said, i was looking at bellamy who was helping miller cutting woods. and she noticed it. "so... How is that going anyway" She said and looked over to bellamy

"that.. What?" i acted like i didn't know what she was talking about

"you and bellamy... and don't even try to deny there isn't something going on beetwen you two"

"there isn't actually"

"oh yeah? so the other day when he grab your cheek and you had those heart eyes.. that was nothing?"

"fist of all, heart eyes? Really?. and yeah he is my friend he cares about me"

"why do you keep hiding how you feel!?" octavia asked annoyed "love isn't bad so you know" she quickly said before walking away

"what was that about?" Bellamy asked coming from behind

"mm just girl things, you wouldn't undestand"

"you right. May i join you"

"you may" i said and he sat next to me

"how are you?" He asked

"Better" i said "you know what?"

"what" he asked

"i'm tired of waiting, life is too short to wait" i said and quickly grabbed his cheek and kissed him

"wow slow down clarke.." he pulled the kiss away after a few seconds

"i thought you.."

"i'm sorry i don't..." He said and walked away from me, a tear fall down my face and a quickley wipped it away

after a minute i finalize realized what had happend and i walked over octavia and told her "you were wrong" and then i keep going to my tent. octavia ran for me

"what are you talking about?" octavia said

"after what you said of "stop hiding your feelins" i let them all out and i kissed bellamy" i said

"you did?" octavia said smiling

"I did"

"Finally!" Octavia said and leg a sigh out

"finally what?! don't you see you were wrong! he doesn't like me!" i yelled

"why do you say that?!" Octavia also raised her voice

"well i don't know maybe because he pulled away from the kiss or because he told me he didn't feel the same away..?!!"

"you did what?!" octavia yelled

"you hear it clear" i said

"you know what? i'm done!" octavia said and then she quickly startes walking away

i didn't really cared where she was goibg right now, i just went to my tent and lay down on the floor staring at the ceiling

"what the hell is wrong with you?!!" octavia yelled loud enough so that everyone who was near bellamy could hear

"octavia calm down, come on" he said taking octavia's arm and started walking her to the woods

"don't touch me!"

"Okay just, come on" he said until they finally made it there

"now, what's going on?"

"what's going on? really? what its wrong with you?!"

"explain yourself octavia"

"Clarke told me! are you insane? how could you do that to her?! a few days ago you told me you liked and now suddenly you don't?! is there anyone else or...!"

"no, there's no one"

"then explain your freaking self!!"

"i was afraid okay! i got scared!"

"scared of what?!"

"of screwing things up! I'm a master in that!"

"but why did you had me lie and tell her you didn't feel the same way! when she told me i could see the hurt in her eyes!"

"... i didn't meant that, i'm sorry"

"don't apologize to me, apologize to her. make things right before its too late"

"you right, thanks o!"


"Clarke?" he said entering my tent

"what" i hardly said

"we need to talk"

"Do we?"

"i own you an explanation"

"i think you've said enough"

"No, please hear me out"

"so what?!, so you can tell me why you doesn't like? i know my flaws alredy thank you very much"

"just one minute, thats all i ask"

"talk then, im listening"

"i lied, i do feel the same way i just wasn't brave enough to accept it"


"when you kissed me i got scared, scared that i would screw things up with you"

"didn't you thought i was scared too? of if the feeling weren't mutual.."

"i'm sorry princess, i never meant to hurt you" he put a hand on my cheek and said " i love you"

a tear of joy fell down my face and i quicky threw myself at him, hugged him and whispered, i love you too

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