We survive (part 2)

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{final part}

"Finn, can i talk to you?" Clarke asked

"Sure, what's up?" He said

"I'm just curious, where were you guys? I mean 3 weeks is quite a long time you know"

"You're right, it was long. What exactly do you want to know?"

"Nothing special, i told you i'm just curious"

"Did i ever tell you, you're a really bad lier"

"Okay you got me, i'm worry about bellamy. He's somehow different"

"Indeed he is"

"What do you mean?"

"After what happend we also noticed him different, but he doesn't want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what? What happend?"

"The first i don't know, 4 or 5 days he wasn't with us. We found, and free him from the grounders Camp"

"But why did the grounders Only took him at first?"

"I don't know, that, you should ask him"

"He doesn't want to tell me either"

"Maybe something happend, and his afraid or maybe scared. To be honest i don't know, either ways you should go and talk to him"

"I will. Thank you by the way"

"My pleasure"


Clarke went looking for bellamy, but he wasn't in the fire, or in the dropship. He was at his tent.

"You were torture, weren't you?" Clarke asked

"What?!" Bellamy respond

"Finn told me"

"Off course he did"

"Why didn't you wanna tell me?"

"Because i-i didn't want you, or anyone else to look at me differently. Weak"

"Weak? Haven't you seen yourself? You are one of the strongest people on this camp and i mean, you were torture by grounders but you worry is about how will we see you"

"So is that good?"

"Off course it is"

"I'm just glad you understand"

"Did you ever doubt i would?"

Clarke wrapped her arms around his Neck and lend in to kiss him

"Bell you... Oh jesus!" Octavia said "sorry i'm just looking for my scarf, i can't find it but i'll leave in a sec"

"It's okay octavia, is not like we were about to have sex" clarke said

"Found it! I'm going to leave anyway"

"See ya later o?" Bellamy asked

"Yeah.., later"

"Okay so, where were we?" Bellamy said wrapping his arms around clarkes waist

"Nope, you're sister ruined the moment"

"Damn it octavia!"

"It's late, i'm tired, so i'm gonna go to sleep"

"Not even a good night kiss?"

"Mmm i don't know, we'll see" she wrapped her arms around his Neck and gave a not so long, soft kiss

"Good night bellamy" clarke said leaving his tent

"Good night princess"

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