Oh dares

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It was saturday night, 9 pm and the gang were alredy at the club.
Raven, octavia, clarke, harper, miller, monty, murphy (and his girlfriend emori), bellamy, jasper and lincoln.

The girls were taking the dance floor, all 5 of them dancing it up like there was no tomorrow. Shots were alredy taken, night still young though.

The boys were drinking more and watching the girls dance.

"Dares time" murphy called in between shots
"I hate this time" bellamy said
"Come on bellamy it's fun" miller said
"Whatever, just start alredy" jasper said
"Alredy i start, monty i dare you to dance with harper all night. And only harper" lincoln said
"Man why you gotta be like that?. Just harper?!" Monty claimed
"Just harper, she likes you. And she's nice" lincoln said
"Fine fine, have fun" monty said leaving to go and dance with harper
"Bellamy" miller said smirking "i dare you to have sex with clarke"
Bellamy almost choked on his shot "are you out of your fucking mind. Clarke is my best friend man! I can't have sex with her for a bet"
"As much as i would like to see that happening, i agree with bellamy. It's too much" murphy said
"Alright softies, don't have sex. Just kiss her" miller said
"No" bellamy said "another thing"
"I alredy changed your dare blake. Do it" miller said
"Son of a bitch" bellamy told him. Miller was the only one that knew how bellamy felt for clarke and was doing this on purpose
"Off you go" miller said
bellamy stood up from the bar and went to the dance floor is the search for clarke. When he saw her she was dancing with another guy. Blue eyes, dark hair, tall, was probably a douche, bellamy thought.
They were dancing really close, her back against his chest, his hand touching her leg. Kill yourself he tought. GREAT! the song was over and he went another way, now clarke was dancing alone. Here goes nothing, he whispered and went to where clarke was. She saw him aproaching and kept dancing.

He came to whisper something in her ear "sorry, it's dare". Whispered to her ear because he knew miller was watching.
"What are-" clarke started to say but was cut off by bellamys lips locked on to hers.
It felt like the club had stop moving, it was just clarke and bellamy kissing in that moment. Because she was kissing him back.
After a moment bellamy separated his lips from hers.
"Wow" clarke said after a of shock
"Amazed enough princess" bellamy smirking
"Not at all blake" she said
"Oh come on, you're face says otherwise" bellamy said
"I'm not amazed. You kiss good. Nothing i haven't seen before"
"Oh really?"
"Do you really want to see something amazing?" Clarke smirked
"Be my guest, amaze me" bellamy said
"Alright" clarke said
She placed bellamys hand on
It was saturday night, 9 pm and the gang were alredy at the club.
Raven, octavia, clarke, harper, miller, monty, murphy (and his girlfriend emori), bellamy, jasper and lincoln.

The girls were taking the dance floor, all 5 of them dancing it up like there was no tomorrow. Shots were alredy taken, night still young though.

The boys were drinking more and watching the girls dance.

"Dares time" murphy called in between shots
"I hate this time" bellamy said
"Come on bellamy it's fun" miller said
"Whatever, just start alredy" jasper said
"Alredy i start, monty i dare you to dance with harper all night. And only harper" lincoln said
"Man why you gotta be like that?. Just harper?!" Monty claimed
"Just harper, she likes you. And she's nice" lincoln said
"Fine fine, have fun" monty said leaving to go and dance with harper
"Bellamy" miller said smirking "i dare you to have sex with clarke"
Bellamy almost choked on his shot "are you out of your fucking mind. Clarke is my best friend man! I can't have sex with her for a bet"
"As much as i would like to see that happening, i agree with bellamy. It's too much" murphy said
"Alright softies, don't have sex. Just kiss her" miller said
"No" bellamy said "another thing"
"I alredy changed your dare blake. Do it" miller said
"Son of a bitch" bellamy told him. Miller was the only one that knew how bellamy felt for clarke and was doing this on purpose
"Off you go" miller said
bellamy stood up from the bar and went to the dance floor is the search for clarke. When he saw her she was dancing with another guy. Blue eyes, dark hair, tall, was probably a douche, bellamy thought.
They were dancing really close, her back against his chest, his hand touching her leg. Kill yourself he tought. GREAT! the song was over and he went another way, now clarke was dancing alone. Here goes nothing, he whispered and went to where clarke was. She saw him aproaching and kept dancing.

He came to whisper something in her ear "sorry, it's dare". Whispered to her ear because he knew miller was watching.
"What are-" clarke started to say but was cut off by bellamys lips locked on to hers.
It felt She placed bellamys hand on her hips and started dancing.
Bellamy try to keep up dancing behind her back.
when they finish dancing clarke asked him on his ear "amazed yet?"
And he whispered back "very"

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