Choose me

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"I like you princess and.." Bellamy said

"Stop" clarke said

"What?" bellamy said

"You made your choice" Clarke said

"Im so.."

"Dont even say sorry again!" Clarke yelled "you choose her"

"No, i choose you. Only you clarke"

"You kiss her, you choose mell!"

"You are right"

"Please go away"

"Im sorry that this ended up like this"

"Me too"

Weeks later -----------------///

"Clarke can we talk?" Bell asked


"I made a mistake choosing mell over you, i realized that you are all i wanted not her. We are over and i cant stay like this forever i want you clarke"

"But you choose her"


"I cant ignore the fact that you choose her over me"

"I know and im sorry"

"You know how i felt? I was broken for so long. When i met you i thought that you were different but you let me down just like everyone.."

"Its wasnt a big deal about mell you know i liked you"

"NOT A BIG DEAL? I wanted you to choose me so badly! Over everyone! But you didnt"

"How many times do i need to apologize?"

"Is not ABOUT Apologizing" clarke said "what is done is done, you can regret but not change"

"You know i regret it, clarke please forgive me"

"I forgived you with the very first sorry, but i cant forget"

"So we are great?"

"We are" clarke said walking away from bell who was heading to kiss her "bellamy, i forgived you yes, im not saying we can be together. One thing i learn was that i want a lot more than this"

"What do you mean?"

"I want to feel special, wanted. I want someone who will choose me over everything and everyone even though i like you, a lot. Bell that's not you"

"Maybe you are right, and we are not meant to be together but i just want you to know one thing. If i could go back and change the past, i would choose everytime i can"

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