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happy 2016!!!

there we were, octavia, bellamy and i at the dropship again. So many memories, we weren't here by option the mountain men were chasing after us and the closest thing for a place to hide was this.

"all clear" octavia said "we can go now"

"We better get going and fast, they may be back soon" bellamy said

"Wait, do you guys hear that?" I said

"Hear what?" Octavia said

"Laugh, someone laughting" i said

"What? Where" bellamy said

"outside, come on lets take a look" i said

"Oh my god" octavia said, she was outside alredy

"What's wron- oh god, its a kid" i said

"What is she doing here?" Bell said

"I don't know, lets ask her" i said "hey sweetie"

"Who are you" the kid said "wheres my mommy"

"She went to a long trip, im her friend and dont tell her but she has a gift for you when she gets back" i said smiling all the way

"Whats your name mommys friend?"

"Clarke, im clarke"


i laughted "no sweetie, clarc-ke"

"Can i call you clar?"

"Off course you can" i said "wait a second here sweetie please"


"We need to take her with us" i said

"Wait if her mother comes looking for later?" Bellamy said

"She's not" octavia said "i found this"

"A note?" I asked

"Look what it says" octavia said

"«rest in peace kenna, may we meet again»" clarke read

"How do we know kenna is the kid?" bellamy asked

"Let's call her" clarke said glaring over the kid "kenna" clarke called. The kid turned to them and came running.

"I think she is" octavia said

"Hi clar" the kid said

"Hello beautiful" clarke said taking kennas hand "i'm gonna get you home, okay?. These are my friends; o and bell" clarke introduced

"Hi kenna" octavia introduced taking her hand

"O can you please get going with kenna? We'll be right there" bellamy said

"Sure" octavia said and started walking with kenna

"«we're gonna get you home»?" Bellamy repeated clarkes word "we can't take the kid clarke"

"We have to get her to lincoln, he knows more about grounders than us, in fact he is a grounder!" Clarke claimed

"Fine, but you're taking her. I'm not getting involved" bellamy said walking towards octavia

The four of them went back to camp jaha and went to talk to lincoln.

"We found this with her" clarke said giving lincoln the note

He read it and said "i see"

"So? Can you explain?" Clarke asked

"It's what they call a tradition, grounders are allowed to have only 2 children. If a third child comes in they have to sacrifice it as offer of forgiveness for breaking the rules" lincoln explained

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