not every story gets a happy ending

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The story of bellamy and Clarke goes way back.

Bellamy and Clarke grew up together, it was a group of people including Octavia, jasper, monty, miller, harper and Monroe. Only that bellamy was clarkes first 'boyfriend', meaning that they agreed to be boyfriend and girlfriend but never kissed or even hugged, they lasted a week or so and Clarke broke up with bellamy because he won at a race and Clarke got mad.

Anyone could say they were pretty close, not the closest though. So when bellamy moved away and Clarke was 13 it didn't hit her that hard. She was a child.

They never saw, or texted each other again until five years later when they bumped into each other at the place they both grew in. that day was national light up a candle day, December 7th to be exact and they talked like time was limitless, there was a natural chemistry, they conversation was the easiest Clarke had ever had. And it wasn't like her to talk to someone they way she talked to bellamy, she was glowing. They talked from 8 pm to 3 am and if it weren't because abby came to pick up Clarke they convo would have extended to a timeless one.

When Clarke got home she felt different, amuzed that she could have been so natural with someone she hadn't seen or talked in five years. It felt like they never stop talking.

Bellamy felt it too, the natural chemistry that they had.

She wrote to him on facebook the next day, and he wrote back.

Their conversation consisted of indirect flirt from bellamy and a cute response from Clarke. And they went like that for a while, until bellamy slowly started to take longer to responded, days could pass without him responded and it got to a point where he never responded.

At this point you could say that Clarke developed a crush on bellamy. Clarke was 17, but she wasn't like your normal 17-year-old. All the extra parties all weekend, getting drunk everyday and hooking up with whoever just for the fun of it wasn't her preference. She valued mature love, kissing someone you ACTUALLY have feelings for and being with someone because you liked them, so she had never had a boyfriend. Sure there have been guys she had kissed and potential boyfriend but none of them passed the test. So the crush Clarke had on bellamy grew she thought it was meant to be, how poetic that your childhood joke boyfriend became your first actual boyfriend.

Time passed where they saw each other occasionally, and greeted each other and had small talk but never a conversation. Also from time to time she would write to bellamy and he would write back but the thing that happened the first time happened again.

The crush started to go away because basically they didn't talk anymore.

2 months before the anniversary of the day Clarke crushed on bellamy (December 7th), Octavia told Clarke he had a girlfriend. Off course it hurted her still but she saw it coming. Multiple times Octavia had asked her about friend of hers because bellamy thought they were cute.

Clarke graduated from high school on the first of December, and bellamy texted her congratulating her, telling her she looked beautiful and radiant in the phones.

This time, with a girlfriend, bellamy was always the one to text Clarke, they were talking basically everyday so naturally Clarke decided to invite bellamy to her 18th birthday party.

The day came of Clarke birthday, December 21st, all her friend invited. She told bellamy he could bring his girlfriend if he wanted but he didn't.

Clarke was radiant that night, so thought everyone and specially bellamy.

When bellamy arrived he went to wish Clarke a happy birthday but she was in the middle of the pack.

"hey, Clarke" bellamy called

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