What if i'm just broken

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*dark shot, if you're feeling low on self esteem please do not read*

Summary: clarke and bellamy had been best friends their entire life. Clarkes family is really close to bellamys so they basically live on each others houses. Bellamy is the one who always get the girl he wants, clarke is just a normal girl who has had only one boyfriend. Bellamy is 21 and clarke is 19.

It was 7:00 am, it was week off for collage guys. Clarke said she was going to make bellamy company while he took octavia to school.
Bellamy left his house and walked to the house next to his, clarkes. And knocked the door.

"Hey bellamy" clarkes mom opened the door with a smile

"Good morning abby, how are you?" He said with a smile entering the griffins house

"I'm pretty great thank you. Are you looking for clarke?" She said closing the door

"Yes" bellamy said

"I think she's sleep, go and check, wake her up if its necessary" abby said

"Sure thing" bellamy said then rushed to clarkes room on the second floor

"You've got to be kidding me" he whispered to himself as seeing clarke dressed but fallen sleep on the floor with her phone on her hand "princess come on wake up"

"Ummm bell" she said not wanting to wake up

"Octavias is gonna be late!! come on please pretty princess"

"That won't wake me up lover boy"

"Okay okay... Well since you're not going i guess i'm not buying you lunch" bellamy said stepping out of her room

"NO WAIT, GIVE ME 5 TO BRUSH MY TEETH AND MY HAIR" she said rushimg to the bathroom

"Only 5" bellamy said coming down stairs

"She was sleep wasn't she?" Abby asked

"Indeed" bellamy said "but food is her motivation so,." He joked

"Oh believe me, i know it all too well" abby laughted too

"What are you guys laughting about?" Clarke said coming down stairs

"Nothing princess" bellamy said

"Yeah sure... Come one bellamy we're going to be late because of you!!" She said running to the door "bye mom love you, say goodbye to dad for me"

"bye sweetie, have fun" abby said watching clarke leave

"Bye miss griffin" bellamy said leaving

"Bye bellamy, take care of her" she said

"Always" and he leaved

Octavia was waiting by the car.

"COME ON LOVEBIRDS IM GONNA BE LATE, AGAIN!!" octavia yelled from the car

"Ok ok sorry o" clarke said rushing to car

Everyone got in the car, bellamy was driving. They were almost at octavias school.

"So where are the lovebirds heading today?" Octavia smirked

"O, i told you we are just friends" clarke said

"Yeah sure.. If you say so.." Octavia smirked again

"Alright little girl we're here" bellamy stopped the car and said

"Don't call me that! And thanks for the ride bye lovebirds!!" octavia said leaving with a smirk

"Jesus there's nothing we can do with that girl" clarke said

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