Your Touch pt 1.

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everyone was at octavia's having some drinks celebrating that we are on collage summer vacation and we all had good grades.
by all i mean raven, wick, lincoln, finn, murphy, maya, off course octavia, bellamy and myself.

"Cheers for summer break folks" octavia said raising her glass of wine

"Not yet, let me get your brother. Everyone should be here" i said walking out of the livingroom and going up stairs where the rooms where

"Suspected it" octavia whispered from downstairs but i somehow hear it

i was about to enter bellamy's room when there he was standing changing his tshirt, i stop at the door staring at him and his body. How perfect it match with who he is. i shocked my head and looked down quickly. Then finally dediced to talk

"Hey" i simply said, he still haven't put his shirt on by the way

"Hey" he smiled and responded. He was looking away from me because he was looking for a tshirt to put on

i noticed something quite interesting in his back, and staring at it when said "your back... Those scars where at they from?" I entered his room and when to gently touch where the scars where at his back

"Gotten into fight you know, the old me" he ashamed said

"Indeed i know" i slowly said running my fingers through his back, all the way down i stared at it.
I stopped just before i got to the butt part, i didn't want to take my hands off his back. It was so beautiful.
Bellamy turned his face in where my face was, our faces ended up inches apart. I still had my hand on his below back and we were staring at each other for a moment.
After a second he pulled quickly away and said "we-e.. Better get going" and then he left, i stop embarrased for what i have done and followed just then.

We spend the night at octavias being uncomfortable around each other but apart from that the night it was awesome.

The next day i went to octavias house, to spend some time with her, we were playing fifa because lincoln have left the play on. That's when i stopped it.

"Hey o i need a favor" i said smiling like if i wanted something, which i did

"What is it..." Octavia scared responded

"I need you to talk to bellamy" i quickly said

"And about what?"

"Ok this happend, yesterday when i went to look for him to cheer with all of us you know, i was about to go into his room and i saw him changing.."


"No! let me finish, changing his tshirt, the fist thing is that i didn't say anything i just stood there watching him change, i mean starring at his body. I don't know why"


"I'm not finish, and that's not the worst. Then when i finally said something i went and saw his scars on his back so in the hit of touching them i ran my fingers all the way down his back and stood there starring at it. He then, i don't know, shocked turned his head to look at me and our faced stood inches apart. Then finally he pulled away from it"

"Can i just say, first oh my holy shit and second what should i talk to him about?"

"He was uncomfortable for what i did, i don't know what got into me either so i want you to... Fix things" i smiled "...please"

Octavia stood there with a smile "alright i see what i can do"

Octavia left to bellamy's house to talk to him, it was just a few houses away so it wouldn't take long.

Octavia made it to bellamy's house and he was with some friends. She had a key so it wasn't a problem to enter.

"Ard you stupid or what?" Octavia called from behind

"Nice to see you too sister" bellamy said turning around to face his sister

"Sure, now boys.." She said facing miller and murphy "if you excuse me i need to talk to my brother"

They nodded and left to the balcony.

"Are you stupid or what?" Octavia said

"Why for?" He responded

"Clarke told me what happend yesterday..."

"I don't want to talk about it..."

"Sure you don't! What's wrong, didn't you like it?!!"

"That's the thing, Off course i did! ....Ugh this is the thing, when clarke touched my back it made feel something i have never felt before. I don't know what it was i just know i wanted more" he calmy said


"No, as i said o i don't know. Her touch felt like magic!"

"Oh i see what you mean know, that feeling my dear brother was love"

"Perhaps... Perhaps not, i don't know!"

"Anyway, i'm gonna talk to her and tell her to meet you here tomorrrow to you know talk about..."

"I don't wanna talk about that"

"I was gonna say, stuff, normal stuff like just hang out as friends but the difference is that at some point you need to tell her what you feel"

"But even myself doesn't know what i feel"

"Then try to explain i don't know just talk to her alright?"

"Yeah sure"

"Good, now i gotta go and tell her"

"bye sister"

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