the woods

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"Bell where are you going¿" octavia asked me

"To the woods, we need more water" i said

"Isn't it millers turn¿" octavia said, she knew there was a behind reason for this "it's your third time going to the woods this week"

oh dang it, she knows "is it¿, didn't even noticed" i quickly said before heading the the gate "see you in a while o"

"Stay safe big brother" she yelled, i turned and nodded

i start walking away from camp bastard jaha, i still haven't figure out why isnit call like that. The man stayed two days and then left stealing guns and taking some of our people to god knows where, anyway, after 15 minutes of walking i found a river, the one where octavia almost drowned in. I started recolecting water when i heard foot steps from behind. I slowly took my gun and turned around, when i do the person by seeing my face starts running away. i ignored and head back to camp.

-- BACK AT CAMP -- (octavia's pov)

"Hey big brother" i said

"Hey o" he said with a big smile on his face, almost too big, fake.

"Did you bring the water¿" i said ignored that little fact

"Did you even doubt i would" he smirked and said

I started organizing the water, bellamy was helping. We keept quiet for a while after that little chat when i finally decided to break the silence and said:

"Did you find her¿"

"Find who¿" he responded not looking onto my eyes

"clark., did you find her"

"Who said i was looking for her in the first place" i said hardly

"You don't have to actually said to for us to notice you know"

"I don't know, and if i ever did. Not anymore" he says fake smiling at me and then leaved

What happened out¿ i kept asking myself, there must be a reason why he is now not interested in searching for clarke at all.

--- weeks later --- (still octavia's pov)

"Bell its your time to go for water" i said entering his tent

"can't miller go¿" he asks


"Can't you go¿" he asks again

"no bellamy, it's your turn now, go." I said hardly and leaved

(Bellamy's pov)

I started walking to the killing river, i like to call it like that now since you know it almost get octavia killed etc etc. After 15 minutes i made it and started recolecting water when i feel something watching me from far behind, i don't do anything but yelled

"you don't need to hide, i know you're there" i said not looking back (because i was still recolecting water)

that's when i heard foot step coming, they stop, and i turned around. that's when i see her standing there.

"How did you know" she asks

"Do you really think i'm stupid enough to not know that weeks ago the one who ran away from me was you¿" i said looking at the ground

"i was going to show myself but.."

"i don't care clarke, you didn't so it doesn't matter"

"That's why you stopped coming, isn't it¿"

"guess you got it right princess"

"why" she aks, and that's when i lose it

"Why¿¡, it's been 3 months or so clarke¡ and when i finally thought you would come back, to where i, to where your people need you. You ran away, again"

"i-i'm sorry"

"you don't have to apologize, we're not angry at you, at least i'm not anyway"

"i'm apologizing for running away from you, not from camp jaha"

"so you're still not coming back"

"i don't know"

"take care of yourself then" she ran and hugges me tighly. Then, still in the hug, said "i'm more close than you know, taking care of every single one of you"

"what was that for¿" i yelled because she stars walking away

"a thank you... amd i miss you" she smirked and leaved

i went back to the camp, when i got there a grounder was attacking octavia right outside the gate

"hey¡" i yelled, dropped the water and ran for octavia "hey¡" i yelled again and punched the grounder. he punchs me back, throws octavi away and starts hanging me when arrow shoots his hand. I fall to the ground

i get up and went to octavia "thanks big brother" she says smiling "are you okay¿" she asks again

"yeah, perfect as i can be" i said smiling, truly

"who even was that by the way¿" she says looking at the woods and then back at me

"i don't know" i lied "but come on let's go inside"

"Yeah good idea" she says smiling and walking in front of me. for a second turned around looking at the woods, i stay for a second like that and just laughted, because she was there, when octavia yells

"bell you coming¿"

"yeah, let's go home" i smiled one last time at the woods, turned around and said.

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