The ball

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"clarke why am i the one who has to come and help you shop?"

"because your my best friend bellamy, plus you're strong so you can carry my bags" clarke said with a smile

"alright just because i'm in good mode" he said

"so i have to pick a dress for the ball" clarke said entering a shop "what was the theme for it again?"

"for the 30 time, winter falls"

"oh yeah that. i gotta pick something either white, blue or both"

"or you can be hipster"

"explain youself please"

"pick something winter style but not common you know what i mean?"

"i do actually, and i have something perfect in mind. wait here i'm gonna put some dresses on and you give me your opinion"


clarke put on 3 different dresses before the one that she thought was the chosen one

" what do you think" clarke said stepping out of the changer

"princess you... you look gorgerous"

"really? thank you. too bad i don't have enough money to buy it"

"Yeah it's a shame"

when clarke went to change back to her clothes bellamy went and paid for the dress without clarke noticing

"can you send the dress to a certain location tomorrow morning?"

"off course, give me the addres and the dress will tomorrow morning be there"

"thank you!"

"Bell everything ok?" Clarke called from behind

"Yeah let's go"

--------------/// at brunch

"Changing the subject, do you have a date for the ball yet princess?"

"Yes, finn.."

"finn collins? the soccer team captain finn collins?"

"the same one"

"why would you go with him? he's a dick he didn't even know who you were before"

"excuse me?"

"As i said"

"He does know me, and he cares about me why you think he invited me!"

"i don't know about that"

"you're so... Ugh! can't you just be happy for me? it's not my fault you don't have a date or that no girl likes you!" Clarke said angry and then left


todaviy as the day for the ball, and clarke didn't have a dress yet.
She fought with her best friend and she didn't have enough money to buy pretty good dresses... What a great day!.
Minutes later someone knocked at her door

"I'll go mom" she yelled and opened the door

"Clarke griffin?" The man with flowers and a present said

"...yes it's me"

"This is for you"

"For me? From whom?"

"Your boyfriend i believe, here, he left a note"

"Well um thank you"

Clarke said taking the flowers and the well wrapped present and reading the note that said

"i am always happy for and because of you princess,


clarke smiled at the note and then went to open the present and... oh my god it was the dress!

"no freaking way.." She smiled and repited

"Flowers? who's from? the finn guy?" abby (clarkes mom) asked

"Bellamy actually" clarke smiled and said

"Well well if he isn't the right guy for you sweetie i don't know who is"

"Mom we're just really good friends"

"Oh off course. and by the way i was just kidding sweetie"

-------/// one hour before the ball

Clarke was ready with the dress and everything on. She was waiting for finn so she decided to call him to see how he was doing

"Finn hey it's clarke"

"Clarke? Oh clarke yeah, what's up?"

"When are you picking me up?"

"Oh about that, raven and i got back together today and i forgot to tell you so now that we're together again it would be weird if i went with you, you know what i mean? hope it's ok with you"

"oh... it's... It's fine i'm was gonna tell you that umm i'm going with bellamy too"

"Ok good, see ya there bye"


Perfect. Clarke fought with bellamy definding finn and at the end of the day bell was right; he doesn't care for clarke, he never did.

"Mom can you give me a ride for the ball please?"

"What happened to your date sweetie?"

"He cancelled!"

"Oh baby he's such a jerk! What about bellamy can't you go with him?"

"I fight with him yesterday because he told me finn wasn't good for me and yet he was right" i sigh "i'm so stupid mom, bellamy brought me this dress and he gave me flowers!"

"I think what you're trying to say is that you should've have gone to the ball with him"

"I should've believe him, he's always there for me. That's what i'm trying to say"

"Alright anyway i'll give you the drive"

-------/// at the ball

"Hey clarke... Wow you look gorgerous!"

"Thanks o!"

"I agree too"

"Aw thanks wick"

"O have you seen you brother?"

"Sorry no, i don't know if hes coming actually"

"Oh ok thanks. Now go you two enjoy your night"

"Thanks clarkey love you"

"Love you too"

A few minutes passed until bellamy arrived

"Turn around princess"

"Bell..." Clarke turned and saw bellamy in a white and blue suit he looked so... Hot and handsome "you looks so..."

"Hot? I know"

"Hahaha but yeah really" clarke hug him and said "i'm sorry you were right"

"About what?"

"Everything..." Clarke sigh and said "and i can't believe i'm about to say this but i just can't handle it anymore. You look so hot"

"Well well thank you very much you look like queen too"

Clarke didn't say anything but grabbed him and kissed him

"And i'm in love with you"

"Well i'm glad to hear that princess cause i'm in love with you too"

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