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*ok so guys this one i think will be really short bc its late and im just emotional so yeah, this is what you get>>*

"Bellamy i'm sorry" clarke said "i was drunk i didnt mean anything i told you"

"Drunk or not you meant those words clarke and im done ok"

"What do you mean"

"you knew how i felt for you, that i was in love with you and what did you do¿ ignored the fact that i liked you and went back with finn"

"It was a mistake bell.."

"i dont care anymore, you played me enough"

"Played¿ you think I played YOU¿¡"

"then what happend, what was everything about¡"

"im not one of your girls okay¿¡ i didnt even got involved with you because thankfully im intelligent enough to realize that liking me or not the only that was going to end of us together was sex¡"

"that was what you think this is all about¡" "i will never treat you like that¡"

"how can you be so sure¿ how can i trust you¡"

"How ¡ after everything i did for you¡ i changed for you i wanted to be a better man to prove you that i was worthy of your love¡"

"Oh ok"

"Ok¿¡ thats all you have to say clarke¿¡"

"what do YOU want me to say¿¡ that 'im sorry'¿ because that will not help at all and you know that so, what do you really want me to say¡"

"The freaking truth, i want you for the fist time to say what you really think and feel"

"I love you¡"

"you're lying"

"Am i¿" "i love you¡ i love you so much and im sorry because i was so afraid of letting you in that i didnt realize what i was really doing was pushing you away"

"Clarke what would you do if you were in my place right now ¿" "you know how i feel, and you know its not fair. You know i cant dont this"

"Bell please, im sorry"

"You broke my heart clarke, when you told me i was a monster my heart broke into a million pieces"

"Please dont give up on me"

"Im trying not to"

they both just sit there, at the woods not too far from camp jaha, not looking into each other eyes for minutes, pretending that everything will be okay when they knew it wasnt, that's when clarke decided to broke they silence

"Did you love me¿"

"I guess so"

"Im sorry then, i know how its when someone you loved turns 'the back' on you"



"I never said i stopped loving you"

"But you.."

"Said that i was done¿ yes i was and yes i try not to love you so many times but i just couldnt help it. I mean look at you"

"You mean 'am"

"Clarke i love you, and for more i tried to move on i CANT because i love you"

"I love you too, i really do"

"But you know i cant do this right now"

"I do"


"Promise me one thing though"


"please don't be in love with someone else"

"i-i promise princess" "promise me something too"


"Theres two actually, promkse that you'll wait for me and finally, finally for us to be happy together"

"I promise"

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