may we meet again lover

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...... "so i think we deserve a drink" bellamy said

he doesn't know i'm leaving. thats what hurts the most "have one for me"

"hey, we'll get through this" he knows somethings wrong

i take a deep breath and say "i'm not going in"

and that's when he realizes "i get it. If you need forgiveness, i'll give it to you... you're foregiven now please princess, come inside."

this is killing me "take care of them for me"

"clarke..." he's heartbroken

"seeing their faces everyday will only remind me of what i did to get them here"

"what WE did" he says "you don't have to do this alone"

"I bear it so they don't have to" i cant cry. clarke be strong, be strong. i kiss his cheek and then hugged him and whispered "may we meet again"

he pulls away "clarke you can't do this"

"i'm sorry" i said, turned around and start walking away. Tears in my eyes

"PRINCESS PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME" i hear him yelling

i stopped for a second, because i hear him coming

"Bellamy please"

he takes my face "are you sure about this"

"no, but i have to do this"

"where are you gonna go?" he gently aks

"i don't know"

"just please, stay safe"

"i promise"

"may we meet again" he says, holding back tears and starts walking back to camp

i stod there in shock, tears falling down my face "may we meet again lover"

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