Day 21 pt. 1

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we've been 21 days on earth.
Asher is dead
Molly is badly hurt
Eric is badly hurt
Thalia is dead
Kendall is dead
Octavia is missing.

It's only matther of time before i get hurt or dead too.

"Clarke are you here?" Bellamy asked entering clarke's tent

"Yeah, what is it?" Clarke responded lying on the floor

"Just checking up on you"

"You don't have to do that, i am fine"

"I actually was checking if you didn't leave with wells"

"With him? I can't stand him anymore besides he's gone with sasha"

"I know i just..." Bellamy said taking a deep breath "octavia was the only person i have and she's missing princess. I just don't know what would i do with you leaving me too"

"Hey" clarke said standing up to face him "i won't ever leave you"

"Thank you princess" bellamy smiled and said

"Now come on, sit here with me" she sat down and offered him a place to sit too

"So,.." He said sitting down "is wells off your love list now?"

"Since the very first moment we landed of earth he was off it, with that being said i'm happy he found sasha. They make each other happy" she smiled to herself

"And who makes you happy?" Bellamy curious asked

"For now my friends... You, octavia, sasha, raven, murphy, felix" she smiled at looked at him "how about you? Who makes you happy?"

"Besides from my sister and you, and off course my friends there's no one..."

"Really? Because your eyes don't say the same" she smiley said

"You know me so well, don't you?" He laughted

"So, who's the lucky girl?"

"Nobody... It's just... Not gonna work out"

"Why do you say that?"

"She's not interested in me"

"Oh come on who isn't interested in bellamy blake"

"You" he said "and raven, sasha, monroe..."

"You know what i mean bell"

"Well apparently she isn't"

" i wish i could do anything"

"It's okay princess, besides finding octavia is my number one priority right now"

"A little love never hurts though"

"I'm fine clarke"

"Since when don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Since the ark a long time ago"

"Aww bellamy i just wish you were happy"

"I am happy" he smiled at her and said
"You make me happy"

"And you make me happy too, but you know what kind of happy i mean"

"well that kind of happy is alright for now"

"You deserve this" she said hugging him (they were still on the floor)

"Hey guys, wanna..." Raven said entering the tent "oh sorry am i interrumping anything?"

"Not at all" bellamy said pulling apart from the hug

"Bell is your time to haunt" raven said

"Alright" he said standing up and leaving the tent "goodbye girls"

"Don't have too much fun without me" clarke yelled

"I wouldn't dare" he yelled back from outside the tent

"So..." Raven said sitting next to clarke "what's up with you and bellamy?"

"Oh we're just friends" clarke said

"Really? Cause you act like a couple"

"He is my best friend, that's all"

"For you sure, but for him... Not so much"

"What do you mean?"

"You seriusly haven't noticed? He's in love with you!!"

"He's not!!"

"He is!!, you know mel asked him out the other day and he said no because he was busy and you know what was he doing? He was helping you...!"

"I... Did not know that"

"Well clarke you were the only one, half of the camp knows he has feelings for you, and you for him, and the other half think you guys are a couple"

"Wow" clarke said

"Yeah, well i need to go" raven said standing up and leaving clarke's tent "bye baby"

"Bye.." Clarke said

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