We survive (part 1)

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*this happends three week after the season 1 finale, but the 100 weren't send to mt w.*

"How are you feeling?" Clarke asked

"Still hurts, but better" raven responded

"Is normal, you're leg is healing really well and fast" clarke said

"How are you btw?" Raven asked

"You know how" clarke said, not trying to make eye contact with raven

"Is been three weeks clarke, i don'.." Raven said, but was cut by clarke

"They aren't dead, okay?" Clarke said "they are warriors, bellamy, finn, and the rest of them. They are okay we just need to find them"

"Right" raven said

"Girls you may want to see this, come on!" monty said entering raven's tent

"ok..ay" they both look at each other and went outside, where there was pretty much everyone around something, or someone

"What the hell" clarke said, then saw what was there

"Is that.." Raven said

"Finn" clarke said

"I thought you died, i thought you were going to leave me!" Raven said almost crying while she was huging finn

"I'm right here raven, i'm right here.." He said then Kissed her

"Hey space walker" clarke said with a smile on her face

"Clarke" he tried to hug her, but she refused, not with any word but with an action

"I'm glad you survive" clarke said

"Yes, we did. We.." He said looking then at everyone (they were not where everyone was but at the drop ship) "did survive"

"Bellamy.." She said, then a sec later the smile that was on her face dissapeared

"He's not there" finn said

"He's dead.." Clarke said

"I wouldn't say that princess" a person behind them said

Clarke turnes around and said "bellamy!" She jumped to hug him "are you okay?"

"I'm better now" he said still hugging her

"Your face.. What happend ?" Clarke said

"Nothing important, i'm just glad to know you're okay" bellamy said

"Bellamy..." Clarke said

"What?" Bellamy said

"You have scars everywhere" clarke said

"So?, we where all alone three weeks clarke, what did you expect" bellamy said

"I saw finn and monroe, and everyone else. Bellamy they don't have that scars" clarke said

"Sorry princess but i don't want to talk about this" bellamy said

"I'm serious bellamy, you need to.." Clarke said but was cut by bellamy's lips into hers

"Not now clarke.. Please" bellamy said, then leave


It was night, everyone was happy, dancing and singing around the fire except for clarke, she was worried about what happend to bellamy because she knew something else did happend.

"You aren't as happy as i thought you will be" raven said

"I am happy" clarke said "but i'm also tired"

"Clarke, don't lie to me. I know something's wrong" raven said

"You're right, is bellamy" clarke said

"But he's back and alive" raven said

"I know, but" clarke said then pointing at bellamy who was across them "those scars? Nobody else has them. Something else happend to him out there, something he don't want to tell me" clarke said "but i'm going to find it out"

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