A Day

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It has been almost a day since octavia, bellamy and i escaped from camp jaha. A day since i got out of mt. wheather, a day since i left my people there, a day since anya died, a day since i was reunited with my mother, a day since i found out finn, octavia and bellamy weren't dead, a day since i hug him...

It was getting dark so we decided to stop and get "get some sleep". 10 minutes and we were alredy sleeping, i could feel the warm of the fire in my skinn but it wasnt just that, i could feel something else that's when i open my eyes and saw bellamy sitting by the fire, his eyes on me.

I went to look at him, our eyes meet for a moment then he quickly look away "the last time i saw you, you were closing to drop ship door" he said, i look down knowing what i did, i left him to die. He saw me looking down, pain in my eyes "it had to be done" i heard him saying "are you alright?" He asked. "Are you?" I asked, he didn't say anything, he just looked down. He realize what i alredy knew, neither of us can be okay after everything that happend and is going to happen'.

"I'll be okay when we save our people princess" he said, i looked at him and smile. Almost tears in my eyes "princess... I thought i'll never heard it again, i thought you were dead" i say, he stare at me for a minute then said "you know, when finn and i returned to the drop ship and didnt find any of you there. We were broken, and so angry that we couldnt do anything about it and we found a grounder, so we kill him clarke, we thought he had you. And he told us he didnt know where you guys were but we were so blind because we thought he really had you, we thought he killed you..." he said, his so focus on mine "you didnt know, im sure that had to be done too" i say "to be honest the only that im glad about right now, is that you are alive".

He gave me a 'nod' face, then he came closer to me, covered me with a blanked and whispered "im glad you are okay too".

He went to where he was sleeping and fall asleep quickly i think realizing the same as i me, every cloud has it silver line and right now having each other was it.

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