The present now

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It's been 2 years, 2 years since bellamy and clarke last spoke each other. They were great friends, once.
The ark has its way of pushing people away, it's one of those places where you can't go anywhere but you can't stay where you are either. Abby, as the chancelor, moved station from station and clarke went behind her too.
Until one day, she stopped moving.
Clarke didn't have any friends, because she didn't want to get close to anyone. Eventually she'll have to move on from them too, or they'll forget about her. Either way, it's better if she doesn't have anything to lose, just then she won't end up heartbroken.

As clarke was checking on some patients, word spread there was someone at the door looking for her.
"Jackson please, tell whoever it is, i'm quite busy right now" she claimed flustered "i'll be outside once i'm done here". She was checking a little girl who had fever. And proceeded to tell her mother "Miss lawrence, lucy is fine. She vomited because with her fever, she couldn't tolerate milk. There's nothing to worry about though, i have her antibiotics and her fever should stop soon. If anything, you can come by again". She said softly "thank you so much doctor griffin" the mother gave clarke a hug and left right after.

She remembered somebody was looking for her so went to jackson "hey, i'm done. Wasn't someone looking for me?" But before she finished her sentence she heard someone from behind her "...Doctor griffin after all" she recognize that voice anywhere. It was none other than bellamy blake. She turned around and stood in shock for a minute.
"You look like you've seen a ghost" bellamy joked looking at her, it was the first time he had actually looked at her, not just recognize her from the other side of the hallway or across some station cafeteria "seems like i have" she said, with a tone of coldness "how can i help you bellamy?" She asked, gaining her posture back. A doctor. He came to see a doctor.
"Always so stiff clarke, i guess some things never change" he said smirking
"Look blake, i'm at shift right now. Actually, i'm the doctor in charge, so this conversation can progress only if you need anything medical. Cause there are patients waiting and you're wasting my time" after finishing she put a fake smile.
"Right... excuse me doctor, i'll leave you to your job then" bellamy looked down and said "see you around" not even saying goodbye and left.

Clarke lacked empathy when it came to friends. At least if she could call them that. She had been alone for so long, she forget how to act. She didn't even ask bellamy how he was for christ sake.
Lucky for her, her shift ends in 30 minutes. So once she's done, she'll make it her mission to find bellamy and properly talk to him.

After attending several more patients, she was finally done. So she put her normal clothes on, and began wondering factory station looking for bellamy. And it took her 15 minute's or so to find him.

"Bellamy!" She yelled from across the hallway, everybody turned to look at her. But as clarke, she didn't care.
"Are you in a better mood now?" He said, coldly.
"I'm so sorry, like it's been a while since someone has actually come to talk about anything other medice" she started rumbling "and this isn't an excuse off course i just..." bellamy saw her struggling so he stop her half sentence and said
"It's fine clarke" he said genuinely
"Oh good" she laughed "so how did you know i work at factory station hospital?"
"I've seen you around here a couple of times, and octavia told me there was a new doctor at the hospital, she thought she heard the word griffin so i had to go and check it out, to see if it was really you" he said
"Oh my god octavia, how is she?" Clarke said surprised "i talked to her like a year ago, at unity day. Since she can finally go out and stuff"
"Well thanks to your mom, they legilized her. But you must know that alredy" bellamy said "thank you by the way"
"Oh, i didn't have anything to do with it. But i'm glad things are right for her finally" clarke said smiling
"Yeah, me too" bellamy sighned and said "you're free right now?"
"Yes, shifts finished. Why?"
"We could finish this at my place" he said "i mean so we don't stay here in the middle of the hallway" he laugh
And she laughed back "oh yeah, great idea"

He walked and she followed, clarke had forgetten this feeling. Feeling like she could rely on someone else. After a few minutes (1 or 2), they arrived at bellamy apartment.
"Wait, you live in factory station?" Clarke asked surprised
"Damn right" he said entering the door
"But how..." clarked asked but couldn't finish
"Afford it? I'm a guard now" he said proudly
"I wasn't gonna ask that, not that bitchy you know" clarke said "but janitor blake no more then" she laughed "i'm happy for you, you seem proud"
"I am" bellamy said "took a long road but finally"
"It's a nice place, bigger that the one you and o had before" clarke smiled and said
"Many things have changed since we last spoke" he looked down and said "but you, what made you work in this station?"
"Well i was transfered... actually, asked to be transfered here. So i moved recently too, here" she said "most can't afford here, and it makes it by default more quiet, away from the noises..."
"Away from your mom too?" He asked
"...I wasn't gonna say it, but yeah, that too" she sat on his bed and said "we don't have any problems but it's time to finally start building my life. My own life, and just not be the daughter of the chancellor"
"I think you made the right choice... it took you two years but better late than ever right?"
"Fuck i'm sorry" clarke said "i thought it was better to let us fall out of contact. I guess it was easier that having to leave so many time, i decided it was best not leaving anything behind"
"It was your choice, but i also could have made an effort in keeping in contact. But i didn't so it's not just you" bellamy smiled sitting on the bed next to her
"That's the past anyway"  she smiled "now that we're neighbors, i'm looking foward to the future"
"Yeah, me too".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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