1 year

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it's been 1 year since clarke left, she never came back. She didn't even bother to let me (bellamy) know she was okay, i was a fool to think she cared for me the way i cared for her. I was in love, she wasn't. With time i've quite move on, i dated mel for a few weeks but it didn't work out.
Everyone here in camp jaha has adjusted themselves to the life on earth. I've grown closer with abby, we both shared the pain of clarke being gone and she is the only one who knows how i really feel or felt about clarke.
She has accepted clarke's decision as a "i don't want to be here with the people who i don't care about at all" and i understand it. Clarke didn't even bother to say goodbye to her mother, in fact, to everyone. The good thing is that abby is not alone, kane and her have been in a relationship for quite a while now plus she has me and octavia, abby has teached more than my mother ever did.

"You alright there bellamy?" Monroe asked

"Yes yes, i was just.."

"Thinking?" She sat beside me and said

"Exactly that" i said looking at the ground

"You miss her,  don't you?" Monroe smiled at me and said

"Don't you?" I said back at her, she smiled touched my shoulder and left

"Bellamy!!" Abby yelled calling for me

"Be right there" i yelled back and went heading the hospital "what is it?"

"I don't know how to tell you this but--"
abby said shaky, it looks like she had been crying

"Abby what its going on, talk to me!" I said anxious

"Clarke is here" she said quickly

"What?-- oh..." I said to myself "okay"

"She's at the dropship, do you want to go and see her?" She asked

"No" i said coldly "in other news, what isn't anyone freak out?"

"Nobody knows yet" she said "only you, lincoln and me"

"Good, better know that she's alright before everyone starts wanting to see her" i said, still coldly

"She's not alright, she has some kind of trauma. She.. She --" abby started crying

"Abby..." Bellamy hugged her

"She was tortured and captured by reapers bellamy. Lincoln found her in a cage at mount weather, when he found her she was screaming your name" abby said with tears looking at me

This was when all the feelings hit me. My clarke was tortured, my beautiful clarke was captured by fucking reapers god knows what they did to her.

"Are you sure you still don't want to see her?" Abby asked again

"No" i said coldly, trying to hide my feelings

"Alright, i-i'll tell her you are busy" abby said leaving the hospital

"Thank you abby" i said.

It's been 5 days since clarke came back, everyone knew and everyone had seen her except me. I haven't had the courage to see her face again, she left barely saying goodbye and only to me, she was selfish and heartless. But even tho everything i was still in love with her.

"Bell i think you should go and see her" octavia said sitting next to me

"Raven and murphy alredy had told me that today, i said no o" i said coldly

"Damn it bellamy she needs you, last night she keep pronouncing your name while sleep and everytime i go and see her she asks me where are you and everytime i have to give her stupid excuses alright i'm done. It's time now brother" octavia said serious

"Okay you win, i'll go" i said standing up and leaving my tent

This was it. I'm finally going to see clarke again.

I entered the dropship, i was told clarke was in the second floor abby was by the stairs she saw me and smiled

"Are you going to see her?" She smiling said

I smiled back and said "yes"

"Okay but remember she's not the same, i don't know if she's sleep. You'll have to go up there and see by yourself"

"Okay" i said going up the stairs.

I see her. She was cuddle up like a baby in the corner of the room, she was shaking. My heart broke. She was whispering something in her sleep, i couldn't hear her so i went closer to her.
She was saying my name, god i need ti be strong.
She kept saying it over and over again, i finally took her hand whispered 'it's okay' again again

She suddenly woke up and she got scared by my presence.

"Hey princess it's okay, it's me bellamy" i smiled at her

"Be-bellamy?" She asked as if i was really there

"Yes clarke i'm here" i said

" bellamy" she hugged me and it took a while but i hugged her back too.

When we pulled apart she said "i'm so very sorry bellamy" crying

"Don't cry princess"i said trying to calm her tears

"Really, everytime i was there trapped, tortured the only thing that came everyday to my mind was you. Every night before going to sleep i would scream your name 5 times hoping you would save me. You were the only thing that kept me alive bellamy"  she said crying "i love you"

"I love you too princess, i always did" i said before kissing her and we cuddled on the floor "i want to stay like this forever"

"Maybe we can" she said "you know being all alone gave me time to think about my future, if i had one, and the only thing i know is that i want to spend it with you" she kissed me after saying

"Well i agree, but we can't get married yet. I mean we are young besides we have been reunited for a day after a year without seeing each other" i said and kissed her again "but i promise you we will get married because i don't imagine my future without you clarke griffin"

"Okay, good" she kissed me and smiled.

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