Us, that's all i care about

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"Life change for us the day we got here" clarke said

"But its my fault" bellamy said

"Someone once told that who we are and who we need to be to survive are beyond two different things" clarke said

"Yes i did, but it was in a different circunstance. I kill 2 people clarke, not one but two" bellamy said

"Who were trying to kill raven!. And yes this is a different circunstance, this time you're not alone. You have me" clarke said taking his hand

"You're right, i have you now. That's all that matthers now" bellamy said wrapping his arms around her waist

"Not here.." Clarke said

"Im done hiding" bellamy said

"Wait bell" clarke said taking his arm and stopping him " where are you going?!"

"I want everyone to know how i feel about you" bellamy said

"Its not neccesary, the only thing i care about is us" clarke said "if the find out well, thats not a problem anymore" she laugh

"I love you princess" bellamy said

"I love you too bellamy" clarke said

After that they kissed, it was soft and tender but at the same time hot and passionate. It took them time to realize but somehow, someway they were meant for each other.

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