Truth or dare

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*not edited*

so, clarke is octavia's rommate. Bell is 3 years older than clarke, they are both at collage. Clarke on the second semester and bellamy on the fifth.

"so are you done studying?" Octavia playfully said

"Why for?" I asked intriged

"Wanna play truth or dare?"

"yeah sure" i said and went and sit on the floor with octavia

"So octavia, truth or dare?"

"let's go with truth"

"If you could find the hottest guy ever alive would you cheat on lincoln with him?"

"That's a damn good question" she laughted "probably yeah.."


"Just kidding, never, i'm truly in love with him"

"Aww you two are the cutest" i say and then there was a knock at the door "you open"


octavia went and opened the door

"Hey bell" she said giving a hug to her brother

"What you guys doing?" He asked coming in

"Playing truth or dare, wanna join?" I said

"I have nothing better to do so why not" he said sitting on the floor with us

"So bell, truth or dare" octavia asked

"Dare" he said

"Okay so this is a dare but more like a truth got it?"

"Sure...?" he asked with a question tone

"If here there were, i don't know let's say raven, mel, and... maya, who would you kiss? any of them or clarke?"

"oh god..." i mumured

"truth?" Bellamy said

"Well ugh yeah!" Octavia replied

"Clarke" and blushy clarke stars

"you guys should date, for real" o said

"o... We're just friends" i said

"sure..." she smirked and said

"clarke, truth or dare" bellamy said

"Truth" I simply said

"Are you in love with me?" He said

".....what?" I shocked asked

"Are you?" He asked

"Mm i don't know perhaps, perhaps not" i not quite sure said

"alright love birds... Bell, truth or da-" octavia said

"Dare" he said

"I dare you to go on a date with clarke" octavia smirked and said

"Okay, clarke, would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked

"You don't have to do it" i blushy said

"But i want to"

"Oh well mm yes" i said "i'd love to"

"Good, because i'm in love with you" he said smiling at me

"Oh my god..." octavia mumured

"i- i'm in love with you too"

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